May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 08:05:15 CDT 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 22:30:19 CDT 2009
Messages: 979
- [pct-l] Transportation From Trail to SFO/Oakland Airport Around July 3?
- [pct-l] Scissors crossing
- [pct-l] sublite
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
Timothy Akin
- [pct-l] TRT Guidebook
Timothy Akin
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Ralph Alcorn
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Ralph Alcorn
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra
Jereen Anderson
- [pct-l] Wind going north from Tehachipi Pass
Jereen Anderson
- [pct-l] Note to Brick R re horses
Jereen Anderson
- [pct-l] Hey Reinhold . . .
Jereen Anderson
- [pct-l] That guy with the Appendectomy from the Kickoff is in Big Bear!
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
- [pct-l] ham radio?
- [pct-l] Computer Help For Trail Angels
- [pct-l] Hammock camping and bugs
- [pct-l] Hiker lost, left campo this morning, need help ASAP
- [pct-l] What size backpack?
- [pct-l] Water Report sectionC
- [pct-l] Fw: Water Report sectionC
- [pct-l] Watch for falling trees
- [pct-l] Status Of Kitchen Creek Closure
- [pct-l] Guffy Camp Cleaned!
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
- [pct-l] Water - Section D - Grassy Hollow
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
- [pct-l] The weapons question
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
- [pct-l] Late Start Northbound?
- [pct-l] Bacon Flavored Lip Balm
- [pct-l] Coast to Crest Trail in San Diego County
- [pct-l] Hitching Kennedy Meadows?
Sarah B
- [pct-l] Wrightwood Access
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
- [pct-l] (no subject)
- [pct-l] (no subject)
- [pct-l] Reinhold contretemps
Tom Bache
- [pct-l] I hinted at this topic, hiking alone
Tom Bache
- [pct-l] comments on list behavior & structure
Whitney Bailey
- [pct-l] Parking in Wrightwood?
Phil Baily
- [pct-l] Conditions between Hway 74 and Saddle Junction
Phil Baily
- [pct-l] Conditions from Sanfrancisquito Road to Highway 58
Linda Bakkar
- [pct-l] Onyx
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Question about ice axe
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Transportation From Trail to SFO/Oakland AirportAround July 3?
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Backpack Upgrade
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Belden Closure
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Cascade trail and the country store
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Camping/Water north of Crater Lake
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] resupply
Bob Bankhead
- [pct-l] superfeet
Brenda Beatty
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Rod Belshee
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
- [pct-l] Mojave Water
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
- [pct-l] (pct-l) RE: Superfeet?
Erik The Black
- [pct-l] alternatives to a tent? (Fuzz McPherson)
Erik The Black
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 35
Erik The Black
- [pct-l] Umbrellas
Erik The Black
- [pct-l] PCTL - Hey Eric Quick Question (Stephen White)
Erik The Black
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Erik The Black
- [pct-l] Marine helicopter near PCT in Section A
Wade Blomgren
- [pct-l] Guns, guns, and more guns
Ryan Brooks
- [pct-l] weapons question unanswered
Ryan Brooks
- [pct-l] Ibupurofen, was knees
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] water caches
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] what is a...
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] Meeting up with the herd
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] Meeting up with the herd
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] Kitchen Creek Closure
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] Belden Closure
Scott Bryce
- [pct-l] Ibupurofen, was knees
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] ham radio?
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] South Fork Trail - Around Baden Powell
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Fwd: Skirts (for women)
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Trail closure near Kitchen Creek
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Kitchen Creek Closure
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Snow Sobo from Trail Pass
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Water Report sectionC
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Status Of Kitchen Creek Closure
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Catra
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Catra
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Watch for falling trees
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Adirondack Trail
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Section A PCT Closure
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Section A Trail Closure
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] That guy with the Appendectomy from the Kickoff is in Big Bear!
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Need ride from la
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Tahoe Rim Trail
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Weather Update
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] Bacon Flavored Lip Balm
The Incredible Bulk
- [pct-l] JMT guidebooks from Wilderness Press
Roslyn Bullas
- [pct-l] Trail closure near Kitchen Creek
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Trail CLosure Near Kitchen Creek
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Phone service
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Moldy Backpack
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] re; host / hustle houses
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :), and realistic advice
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Young hikers
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Bill Burge
- [pct-l] Guffy Campground Update mile 364.6
Chuck Burmer
- [pct-l] Cell Phones
Chuck Burmer
- [pct-l] Cottonwood Creek Bridge "Faucet is now working"
Chuck Burmer
- [pct-l] Bacon Flavored Lip Balm
Chuck Burmer
- [pct-l] remove me from the listserve
Adam Canter
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada permit
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada permit
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] Homemade gear
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] Sleeping mats
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] The hike itself
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] Kennedy Meadows Resupply.
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] Kennedy Meadows Resupply.
Sean Carey
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
Melissa Caster
- [pct-l] Bear questions
Melissa Caster
- [pct-l] Hikers in Kennedy Meadows?
Melissa Caster
- [pct-l] ham radio?
Bill & Cathy
- [pct-l] Fw: Knee surgery
Bill & Cathy
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Elisabeth M. Chaplin
- [pct-l] Knee surgery
William A. Chavez
- [pct-l] SoBo this year
Chomicki, Brian Joseph
- [pct-l] Reinhold
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] H.R. 1912: Complete America's Great Trails Act
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] Eye problems
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] EARTHQUAKE
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] Tioga Pass Road Has Opened!
Ryan Christensen
- [pct-l] Missing hiker on the AT
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] Women's Mojave +10
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a sectionhike?
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] Onyx
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Dave and Cindy
- [pct-l] Hiking From Lake Morena
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Trail CLosure Near Kitchen Creek
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Kitchen Creek Closure
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Starting The Trail 5/15 or 5/16
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Status Of Kitchen Creek Closure
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra.... I think not.
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Snow...........
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Enjoying the PCT-L without getting all the emails
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] Enjoying the PCT-L without getting all the emails
Stephen Clark
- [pct-l] SoBo this year
Charles Cornwall
- [pct-l] Cell phone reception (T Mobile) in Washington
Charles Cornwall
- [pct-l] Late Departures - how late is too late for a thru hike?
Danny Cox
- [pct-l] Late Departures - how late is too late for a thru hike?
Danny Cox
- [pct-l] Compact fishing pole
- [pct-l] Things I've learned from the PCT-L
- [pct-l] What size backpack?
Paul Cronshaw
- [pct-l] Umbrellas
Paul Cronshaw
- [pct-l] Section D (PCTAtlas) hike and water report
Paul Cronshaw
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Mike Cunningham
- [pct-l] : Missing hiker on the AT
Charles Davidson
- [pct-l] Mojave tehachape shuttle $1.
Chase Davidson
- [pct-l] update: Mojave tehachape shuttle $1.
Chase Davidson
- [pct-l] Gossamer Murmur - any users?
Jay Davis
- [pct-l] Superfeet? (foot related but somewhat OT)
Marion Davison
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Marion Davison
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Marion Davison
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Marion Davison
- [pct-l] hunting and hiking
Marion Davison
- [pct-l] Section CA-R OR-A update
- [pct-l] Oregon Sec B update
- [pct-l] inappropirate
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Trail CLosure Near Kitchen Creek
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Watch for falling trees
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Steven's Pass.........
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] weapons question unanswered
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :), and realistic advice
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] self protection recourse?
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Spray more effective than guns against bears: study
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] anger vs discussion
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Grieve stricken
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Snow melting.....temps up at Steven's Pass
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Snow...........
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] Enjoying the PCT-L without getting all the emails
Andrea Dinsmore
- [pct-l] a thought on IMPASSABLE snow, the Fuller Ridge question
Ray Drasher
- [pct-l] Hwy 2 reopening
Ray Drasher
- [pct-l] REI Shuttle
Ray Drasher
- [pct-l] Horse incident
Ray Drasher
- [pct-l] horse abuse
Ray Drasher
- [pct-l] Guffy Campground Update mile 364.6
Ray Drasher
- [pct-l] tent footprint
Frank Dumville
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers - A suggestion
Frank Dumville
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Sara Dyehouse
- [pct-l] Reinhold
Sara Dyehouse
- [pct-l] Stoves and fuel
Sara Dyehouse
- [pct-l] Question for postholer
Sara Dyehouse
- [pct-l] Feeding the troll
Sara Dyehouse
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Sara Dyehouse
- [pct-l] Transportation from LAX to Truckee?
Sally Dykhuis
- [pct-l] Transportation from LAX to Truckee?
Sally Dykhuis
- [pct-l] Hat Creek Rim and Lost Creek
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] Superfeet? (foot related but somewhat OT)
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] H.R. 1912: Complete America's Great Trails Act
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Jim Eagleton
- [pct-l] Ollalie Lake
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] Bacon Flavored Lip Balm
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] wind
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] Dog Issue
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] anacortes housing suit
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] one legged
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] (no subject)
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] Dog Posts on PCT-L
Carolyn Eddy
- [pct-l] PCT Water Report
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Big Bear Lake and City
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Water Report sectionC
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Water Section C and Swarthout cache
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Swarthout Canyon Mice Update
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Guffy Campground
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Guffy Campground Update mile 364.6
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Guffy Camp Cleaned!
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Water Report section D
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Water Report Section D
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Water Report Section D
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Pizza Delivery to Tailhead
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Peek on the trail
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Agua Dulce
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] Section F Trail Work Thanks
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] ATTN PCT-L Admin Desert Explorer needs help
Matthew Edwards
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
David Ellzey
- [pct-l] resupply
David Ellzey
- [pct-l] Hiker information.
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Missing hikers...
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
The Dosey Family
- [pct-l] Desert Triple Crown WAS Qudaruple Crown?
Ellen Feeney
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Julie Flaming
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Julie Flaming
- [pct-l] Crater Lake in late June?
Julie Flaming
- [pct-l] Ride in Southern California
Randy Forsland
- [pct-l] White Pass to Cascade Locks
Randy Forsland
- [pct-l] White Pass to Cascade Locks
Randy Forsland
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Randy Forsland
- [pct-l] We Were Just Kids....(an old Marine's reflections)
Randy Forsland
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Randy Forsland
- [pct-l] olallie lake
Lost and Found
- [pct-l] wearing a skirt
Lost and Found
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Lost and Found
- [pct-l] Camping/Water north of Crater Lake
Lost and Found
- [pct-l] The International PCT-L
Mountaingoat Fraser
- [pct-l] Laguna Store closed 5-18-09
Freiman, Paul
- [pct-l] store open
Freiman, Paul
- [pct-l] Note from Eric D on snow conditions- received Monday 18th
Freiman, Paul
- [pct-l] Scott and food.
Freiman, Paul
- [pct-l] Women's Mojave +10
Amanda Gardynik
- [pct-l] single tent
Amanda Gardynik
- [pct-l] sublite
Amanda Gardynik
- [pct-l] compact fishing pole
Amanda Gardynik
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Matt Geis
- [pct-l] Hammock camping and bugs
- [pct-l] Thoughts on hammock camping
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 25
- [pct-l] Sleeping quilts
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Asa Gitter
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Len Glassner
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Len Glassner
- [pct-l] Fwd: Conditions between Hway 74 and Saddle Junction
Len Glassner
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Len Glassner
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Len Glassner
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :), and realistic advice
Len Glassner
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 92
Jerry Goller
- [pct-l] Question about ice axe
Bonnie Carolyn Goulard
- [pct-l] Women wanted to thru-hike with
Bonnie Carolyn Goulard
- [pct-l] Southbound
Tom Griffin
- [pct-l] Hat Creek Rim and Lost Creek
Colby Gutierrez-Kraybill
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
- [pct-l] Wrightwood Access
- [pct-l] Wrightwood Access
- [pct-l] Trail closure near Kitchen Creek
- [pct-l] Late Departures - how late is too late for a thru hike?
- [pct-l] How do people comunicate via internet from the trail
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
- [pct-l] Peek
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
- [pct-l] Transportation from LAX to Truckee?
- [pct-l] Why Wait's Journal
- [pct-l] Onyx/Kernville
Handy Husband for Hire, Inc.
- [pct-l] Getting to Kennedy Meadows
Andrea Harrison
- [pct-l] hiker with dog
Jo Pegrum Hazelett
- [pct-l] Pygmy is back!
Main Headquarters
- [pct-l] work shoes
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] inappro-pirate
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Kangaroo's
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Knee Surgery
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Bad log...Danny, thank you so much for the heads up
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra?
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra?
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 89
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Too preachy?
Georgi Heitman
- [pct-l] Women's Mojave +10
- [pct-l] Cell Phones
- [pct-l] Computer Help For Trail Angels
Michael Herrera
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 11
Scott Herriott
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Scott Herriott
- [pct-l] Big Bear Lake and City
Scott Herriott
- [pct-l] Scott Williamson's Trail Diet Question
Scott Herriott
- [pct-l] Marine helicopter near PCT in Section A
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] Trail closure near Kitchen Creek
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] resupply
Pea Hicks
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Kennedy Meadows Resupply.
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Onyx
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Trail closure near Kitchen Creek
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Moldy Backpack
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Moldy Backpack
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Why Wait's Journal
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Will Hiltz
- [pct-l] Crater Lake in late June
Margarete Hochhut
- [pct-l] what is a...
Tom Holz
- [pct-l] Exiting from Warner Springs
Matthew Huber
- [pct-l] Meeting up with the herd
Chris Humphrey
- [pct-l] Watch for falling trees
Thomas Jamrog
- [pct-l] Phone service
Thomas Jamrog
- [pct-l] Young hikers
Thomas Jamrog
- [pct-l] Resouled on the PCT - DVD
Jim & Brenda Johnson
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra?
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
- [pct-l] How to get to Mammoth mountain?
- [pct-l] How to get to Kennedy Meadows?
- [pct-l] Hitching Kennedy Meadows?
- [pct-l] Cool PCT Story
Michael Jurado
- [pct-l] Cell Phones
- [pct-l] Wind
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra.... I think not.
Christopher Kopp
- [pct-l] Enjoying the PCT-L without getting all the emails
Christopher Kopp
- [pct-l] Bear Canister
Daniel LaBrenz
- [pct-l] Bear Canister
Daniel LaBrenz
- [pct-l] Young hikers
Karen Lafferty
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Dan Larson
- [pct-l] Hat Creek Rim and Lost Creek
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Ibupurofen, was knees
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Sleeping mats
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Sleeping quilts
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] permit for WA
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Eye problems
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Washington snow
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Congressional Memo - Advocates of Gun Rights Are Poised for a Victory -
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Oregon Sec B update
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
Eric Lee
- [pct-l] Backpack Upgrade
Sasha Leidman
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Hammock camping and bugs
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Phone service
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Ursack feedback?
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Brian Lewis
- [pct-l] Campo to Manning on foot: 19 days (!)
RJ Lewis
- [pct-l] Fw: Knee surgery
RJ Lewis
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra?
RJ Lewis
- [pct-l] We Were Just Kids....(an old Marine's reflections)
RJ Lewis
- [pct-l] Oregon Sec B update
RJ Lewis
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
RJ Lewis
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Mark Liechty
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Mark Liechty
- [pct-l] Looking for Prison Rob
Joshua M
- [pct-l] Onyx
Will M
- [pct-l] Recent "un PC" Comments and Listserves
Will M
- [pct-l] Wrightwood Access
Will M
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Will M
- [pct-l] Kennedy meadows store
Will M
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Will M
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Will M
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Will M
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Will M
- [pct-l] Transportation From Trail to SFO/Oakland Airport Around July 3?
Will M
- [pct-l] Confusion over Kennedy meadows address
Will M
- [pct-l] Sleeping mat
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] stoves
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Sigh..
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] ..and now a word from our sponsors.
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Desert Triple Crown WAS Qudaruple Crown?
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Tahoe Rim Trail
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Reno Airport to TRT
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Tahoe Rim Trail
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Johh Muir Trail
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] $50,000 for the Arizona Trail
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Paul Magnanti
- [pct-l] Lost Hiker is fine
- [pct-l] Trail closure near Kitchen Creek
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
- [pct-l] Sailing Ship
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
- [pct-l] Wolves in the Sierra.... I think not.
- [pct-l] tarp camping...
- [pct-l] VVR to Fresno ride is available.
Jim McCrain
- [pct-l] Trying to reach Brick Robbins
Jim McCrain
- [pct-l] sublite
Michael McDaris
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Michael McDaris
- [pct-l] Scott Williamson's Trail Diet Question
Michael McDaris
- [pct-l] Confusion over Kennedy meadows address
Jackie McDonnell
- [pct-l] Eye problems
McKay, Spencer
- [pct-l] Lift to Ramona
McKay, Spencer
- [pct-l] Shuttle to Big Bear
McKay, Spencer
- [pct-l] tarp camping...
Sean McNeal
- [pct-l] Marmot Atom/ pownder...
Sean McNeal
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] inappropirate
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] White Pass to Cascade Locks
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] White Pass to Cascade Locks
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] alternatives to a tent?
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] I have an idea, PC, un PC, whatever
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] alternatives to a tent?
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] List Etiquette
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] I hinted at this topic, hiking alone
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] alternatives to a tent? (Fuzz McPherson)
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] Trail CLosure Near Kitchen Creek
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] Trail CLosure Near Kitchen Creek
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] horse abuse
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] horse abuse
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] Looking for Nor Cal/Oregon/Washinton section to hike now
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] Advocates of Gun Rights
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] Guns, guns, and more guns
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] weapons question unanswered
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] weapons question unanswered
Fuzz McPherson
- [pct-l] Hiker lost, left campo this morning, need help ASAP
Me Me
- [pct-l] Thanks to all those that replied
Me Me
- [pct-l] SoBo
- [pct-l] Norcal trail condition update?
Pat Megowan
- [pct-l] Kick-Off
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Superfeet? (foot related but somewhat OT)
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] inappropirate
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] inappropirate
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] KO
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] inappropirate
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Sierra Snow Report
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Raked over the coals
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] The Illustrious Reinhold Metzger
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Catra
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] The Crazy Ones
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Feeding the troll
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Sierra Snow Report
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] The International PCT-L
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Comments on list behavior
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Grieve stricken
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Grieve stricken
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Switchback & Reinhold
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] How to get to Mammoth mountain?
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Silly Hiker Dudes
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Welcome to the "Pct-l" mailing list
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] [Fwd: Hikers Sing for Veterans]
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] We Were Just Kids....(an old Marine's reflections)
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] We Were Just Kids....(an old Marine's reflections)
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] We Were Just Kids....(an old Marine's reflections)
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Calling all Marines on this list
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Scott and food & alternate energy
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Forester Pass Pictures Purpose???
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] State parks closing
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] PCT & JMT record attempts
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] CATRA & JOE
Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 11
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Nathan Miller
- [pct-l] OR Sct.-A Sobo in June
Nathan Miller
- [pct-l] Looking for Nor Cal/Oregon/Washinton section to hike now
Robert Mittman
- [pct-l] Transportation from LAX to Truckee?
Robert Mittman
- [pct-l] How to get to Mammoth mountain?
Mark Monroe
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Terry Morse
- [pct-l] Tell It On The Mountain at ADZPCTKO?
Ollen Mullis
- [pct-l] Switchback's Rythm of the Trail
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] Snow Sobo from Trail Pass
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] horse abuse
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] Spray more effective than guns against bears: study
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] Road to VVR is OPEN
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Ken Murray
- [pct-l] backpain/superfeet/shoe requirements
Kenneth Murray
- [pct-l] access roads to the PCT
Doug Musso
- [pct-l] What size backpack?
- [pct-l] What size backpack?
- [pct-l] How do people comunicate via internet from the trail
- [pct-l] Moldy Backpack
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
- [pct-l] rabid food
- [pct-l] Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
- [pct-l] one legged
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
- [pct-l] california state parks closures
- [pct-l] Hiking solo
- [pct-l] meeting up with the herd
Travis Naibert
- [pct-l] ADZPCTKO 2009 Class Photos
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] Conditions between Hway 74 and Saddle Junction
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] Getting Useful Info Out of the PCT-L.
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] tarp camping...
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] tarp camping... (more)
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] Road To VVR
Sean Nordeen
- [pct-l] Ibupurofen, was knees
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] Reinhold
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] I hinted at this topic, hiking alone
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] Northwest Trails - Cooltrails
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] What size backpack?
Jeffrey Olson
- [pct-l] White Pass to Cascade Locks
Jim Ostdick
- [pct-l] Wrightwood - Recommend Inspiration Point
Rick Ostheimer
- [pct-l] Onyx
Rick Ostheimer
- [pct-l] Skirts/Man Skirts/Kilts
Rick Ostheimer
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada
Jim and_or Ginny Owen
- [pct-l] California bound –
Jim and_or Ginny Owen
- [pct-l] Even have met some of these characters . . .
- [pct-l] Help!
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Unnu PCT
- [pct-l] Computer Help For Trail Angels
Zeitgeist PCT
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
John Pedroza
- [pct-l] Watch for falling trees
Tobin Van Pelt
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 68
Mike Peterson
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada permit
Julian Plamann
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada permit
Julian Plamann
- [pct-l] sublite
Julian Plamann
- [pct-l] Campo to Manning on foot: 19 days (!)
David Plotnikoff
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
- [pct-l] Inapropriate
- [pct-l] Fuller Ridge
- [pct-l] Trail CLosure Near Kitchen Creek
- [pct-l] Wild Trail Angels vs Domesticated Trail Angels
- [pct-l] Documentary crew looking for hikers with bear stories
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
- [pct-l] Peek
- [pct-l] Phone service
- [pct-l] EARTHQUAKE
- [pct-l] Quadruple Crown?
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
- [pct-l] Coast to Crest Trail via Santa Clarita
- [pct-l] state parks closures - silver lining?
- [pct-l] Finally, a hike!
Ken Powers
- [pct-l] inappropirate
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Free Lessons
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Admin note: Please read.
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Admin Note: Commenting on recent controversy is off topic
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Marine helicopter near PCT in Section A
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Admin Note -: was: horse abuse
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Admin Note: Guns Thread Closed
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Guns, Dogs, what's next
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Test message
Brick Robbins
- [pct-l] Peek
Keith Robertson
- [pct-l] Reno to Truckee
Keith Robertson
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
Keith Robertson
- [pct-l] (no subject)
Keith Robertson
- [pct-l] Hiking solo
Keith Robertson
- [pct-l] Hiking solo
Keith Robertson
- [pct-l] Camping/Water north of Crater Lake
Will Rohrer
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
Wes Rose
- [pct-l] The weapons question
Wes Rose
- [pct-l] rabid food
Wes Rose
- [pct-l] Knee Surgery
Meridith Rosendahl
- [pct-l] Trail to open at Belden
Meridith Rosendahl
- [pct-l] Belden Closure
Meridith Rosendahl
- [pct-l] FLAMEFEST
Mike Rumsey
- [pct-l] To Wrightwood: Info
Vincent Rupp
- [pct-l] Stoves and fuel
Vincent Rupp
- [pct-l] Hwy 2 reopening
Vincent Rupp
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] REI Shuttle
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Poison oak Section E
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Swarthout Canyon Mice Update
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Kangaroo's
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Need ride from la
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Tell It On The Mountain at ADZPCTKO?
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Moldy Backpack
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] re; host / hustle houses
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] re; host / hustle houses
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Is someone looking for a ride from So Cal to Kennedy Meadows???
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Donna Saufley
- [pct-l] Meeting up with the herd
Donna "L-Rod" Saufley
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Donna "L-Rod" Saufley
- [pct-l] Onyx
Alison Scheiderer
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] Swarthout Canyon Mice Update
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] Bear questions
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] Guns, Dogs, what's next
Gary Schenk
- [pct-l] Hwy 2 reopening
Kenneth Schwarz
- [pct-l] Swarthout Canyon
Kenneth Schwarz
- [pct-l] Transportation Ideas from LA / San Juan Capistrano
Sevenon7th at
- [pct-l] Fuller Ridge
Ellen Shopes
- [pct-l] Finally, a hike!
Ellen Shopes
- [pct-l] Bear questions
Ellen Shopes
- [pct-l] Shadow Lake
Ellen Shopes
- [pct-l] resupply
Ellen Shopes
- [pct-l] access roads to the pct
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] Campo to Manning on foot: 19 days (!)
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] ADZPCTKO 2009 Class Photos
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] Starting The Trail 5/15 or 5/16
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] USFS wilderness v. NPS wilderness
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] Wind
Carl Siechert
- [pct-l] Sex Instructer
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] I hinted at this topic, hiking alone
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] Horse at Fish Creek
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] Horse at Fish Creek
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] Knee Surgery
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] Appendectomy Guy
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] anger vs discussion
Amanda L Silvestri
- [pct-l] List Etiquette
Mike Smato
- [pct-l] Recent "un PC" Comments and Listserves
Candy Smith
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
Candy Smith
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Candy Smith
- [pct-l] please remove my email. thanx
Michael Smith
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 8
Kent Spring
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to
Kent Spring
- [pct-l] Hitching Kennedy Meadows?
Kent Spring
- [pct-l] How to get to Kennedy Meadows?
Denis Stanton
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
Denis Stanton
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
Denis Stanton
- [pct-l] (pct-l) RE: Superfeet?
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
- [pct-l] getting to Belden
Brill Stephen
- [pct-l] Jetboil stove recall
Jeffrey Stone
- [pct-l] How to get to Kennedy Meadows?
Dan Susman
- [pct-l] Camping/Water north of Crater Lake
Suzannah Swinehart
- [pct-l] Need ride from la
Taargus Taargus
- [pct-l] sublite
- [pct-l] Recent "un PC" Comments and Listserves
Barry Teschlog
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Barry Teschlog
- [pct-l] The value of the pct-l
Richard Thalhammer
- [pct-l] Ibupurofen, was knees
- [pct-l] Superfeet? (foot related but somewhat OT)
- [pct-l] Superfeet? (foot related but somewhat OT)
- [pct-l] alternatives to a tent?
- [pct-l] I hinted at this topic, hiking alone
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
- [pct-l] The International PCT-L
- [pct-l] Help!
- [pct-l] Take the high road - if it's been cleared
- [pct-l] Phone service
- [pct-l] Phone service
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
- [pct-l] Congressional Memo - Advocates of Gun Rights Are Poised for a Victory -
- [pct-l] Advocates of Gun Rights
- [pct-l] Purpose of PCT-L
- [pct-l] Oregon Sec B update
- [pct-l] Shadow Lake
Aaron Wallace
- [pct-l] Hey Eric Quick Question
Stephen White
- [pct-l] Crater Lake in late June?
Stephen White
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Jeff Whitmer
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Jeff Whitmer
- [pct-l] How to get from White Pass to Cascade Locks for a section hike?
Jeff Whitmer
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Jeff Whitmer
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Jeff Whitmer
- [pct-l] Late Departures - how late is too late for a thru hike?
Glen Winters
- [pct-l] Tarzan and Zelda
Glen Winters
- [pct-l] permit for WA
Glen Winters
- [pct-l] Ride in Southern California
Jessica Winters
- [pct-l] Backpack Upgrade
CC Wishon
- [pct-l] bad log
Danny Wormington
- [pct-l] a** of 2009
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT HAVE BEEN FOUND....
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Transportation From Trail to SFO/Oakland Airport Around July 3?
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Moldy Backpack
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Hikers Sing for Veterans
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Cascade trail and the country store
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Road to VVR
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
Gary Wright
- [pct-l] Superfeet? (foot related but somewhat OT)
Charlie & Nancy Zapp
- [pct-l] snowshoes
- [pct-l] sonora pass > mammoth
- [pct-l] KO
Bighummel at
- [pct-l] Welcome to the "Pct-l" mailing list
SMatthewLewis at
- [pct-l] Only you people will appreciate this... Kinda funny
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada permit
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Entry to Canada permit
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] passport card
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Kennedy Meadows Resupply.
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] What is a...
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Bear Canister
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Swarthout Canyon Mice Update
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Watch for falling trees
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Cell Phones
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Phone service
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Belden closure
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Desert Triple Crown WAS Qudaruple Crown?
Trekker4 at
- [pct-l] Geology of the PCT - Resources
bighummel at
- [pct-l] Desert Triple Crown
bighummel at
- [pct-l] Oregon Sec B update
bighummel at
- [pct-l] Dog Issue
bighummel at
- [pct-l] PCT KO Free Lessons
hiker97 at
- [pct-l] Public Announcement - SuperSecret Digest & Food Ruck
hiker97 at
- [pct-l] Publc Announcement - Walker Pass Food Ruck
hiker97 at
- [pct-l] Switchback & Reinhold
hiker97 at
- [pct-l] passport card
jimniedbalski at
- [pct-l] Onyx/Kernville
jimniedbalski at
- [pct-l] USFS wilderness v. NPS wilderness
jimniedbalski at
- [pct-l] Marmot Atom/pownder
jimniedbalski at
- [pct-l] Kitchen Creek Closure
- [pct-l] Enjoying the PCT-L without getting all the emails
- [pct-l] Enjoying the PCT-L without getting all the emails
- [pct-l] Hiking Solo
carol bruno
- [pct-l] Safe parking at Cajon Pass?
stacey burmer
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
herbstroh at
- [pct-l] tent footprint
ken close
- [pct-l] water caches
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Superfeet?
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Homemade gear
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] To Wrightwood: Info
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] alternatives to a tent?
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Onyx
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] I hinted at this topic, hiking alone
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Skirts (for women)
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Marine helicopter near PCT in Section A
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Late Departures - how late is too late for a thru hike?
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] horse abuse
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Checking for trail conditions
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] thief in Julian
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Knee Surgery
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Out of Contact Hikers on PCT
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] tent footprint
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Trail Crest to Whitney Portal/ Lone Pine
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Washington snow
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Tell It On The Mountain at ADZPCTKO?
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Backpack Upgrade
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Guidebooks. Help a brotha (sister?) out!
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :), and realistic advice
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Cottonwood Creek Bridge "Faucet is now working"
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] tarp camping...
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] Cascade trail and the country store
Diane at Santa Barbara Hikes dot com
- [pct-l] San jacinto alternate route
annieguion at
- [pct-l] self protection recourse?
annieguion at
- [pct-l] self protection recourse?
annieguion at
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
annieguion at
- [pct-l] Bear Canister
enyapjr at
- [pct-l] Bear Canister - sorry, bad links
enyapjr at
- [pct-l] Question for postholer
enyapjr at
- [pct-l] Water Report sectionC
enyapjr at
- [pct-l] hiking alone
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] A thought on so called impassable snow
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] Wild Trail Angels vs Domesticated Trail Angels
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] Kennedy meadows store
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] Camping/Water north of Crater Lake
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] Hitching Kennedy Meadows?
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] (photo) Hiker Approaching Forester Pass
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] Guns, Dogs, what's next
jeff.singewald at
- [pct-l] inappropirate
jomike at
- [pct-l] access roads to the pct
jomike at
- [pct-l] Just golng to put this out there...
jomike at
- [pct-l] What is a...
jomike at
- [pct-l] what is a...
jomike at
- [pct-l] what is a...
jomike at
- [pct-l] central - northern ca section hike
jomike at
- [pct-l] Rather funny
jomike at
- [pct-l] Thank you...
jomike at
- [pct-l] needing company
jomike at
- [pct-l] park clousures
jomike at
- [pct-l] Late Start Northbound?
bigsatoshi at
- [pct-l] Snow...........
bigsatoshi at
- [pct-l] Bacon Flavored Lip Balm
jape1 at
- [pct-l] I have an idea, PC, un PC, whatever
- [pct-l] permit for WA
- [pct-l] Horse at fish creek,
wctrekker at
- [pct-l] Independence lodging and shuttle
- [pct-l] Onyx
ed faubert
- [pct-l] Todays news on PCT
ed faubert
- [pct-l] Swarthout Canyon Mice Update
ed faubert
- [pct-l] [pct2009] Fwd: Water Report section D
ed faubert
- [pct-l] EARTHQUAKE
ed faubert
- [pct-l] Vasquez Rocks
ed faubert
- [pct-l] White Pass to Cascade Locks
palomino.pct at
- [pct-l] Whie Pass to Cascade Locks
palomino.pct at
- [pct-l] Profile: Mary Chambers / World-class hiker
palomino.pct at
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
palomino.pct at
- [pct-l] Vasque Breeze
palomino.pct at
- [pct-l] Coast to Crest Trail
palomino.pct at
- [pct-l] Dog magic...
maxsands at
- [pct-l] Central & Northern CA Section Hike
tom e hurd
- [pct-l] Kitchen Creek Closure
- [pct-l] Guns, guns, and more guns
- [pct-l] anger vs discussion
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :)
- [pct-l] Grieve stricken
- [pct-l] post email
kary lepre
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 40
kary lepre
- [pct-l] re; host / hustle houses
kary lepre
- [pct-l] WTA on Suiattle River Crossing repair
- [pct-l] The Illustrious Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] The Illustrious Reinhold Metzger
- [pct-l] Scott Williamson's Trail Diet Question
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 75
raymond may
- [pct-l] Water at Cottonwood Creek Bridge. Mile 534
bob mayon
- [pct-l] Cottonwood Creek Bridge "Faucet is now working"
bob mayon
- [pct-l] Parking in Wrightwood?
beercandy at
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 25
beercandy at
- [pct-l] Sleeping quilts
beercandy at
- [pct-l] South Fork Trail - Around Baden Powell
phillip newhouse
- [pct-l] Documentary crew looking for section hikers in the Sierras
KCleary at
- [pct-l] Documentary crew looking for hikers with bear stories
KCleary at
- [pct-l] Transportation to Diamond Lake - Hwy 138
- [pct-l] Poison oak Section E
andy.hiker at
- [pct-l] Tehachapi
andy.hiker at
- [pct-l] Hiker lost, left campo this morning, need help ASAP
phix at
- [pct-l] need partner
mary owen
- [pct-l] Trail Closed at Belden
home2020 at
- [pct-l] Remove me from reeiving forum posts
home2020 at
- [pct-l] (no subject)
ned at
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
ned at
- [pct-l] closure of ollalie lake resort?
ned at
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
ned at
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
ned at
- [pct-l] Snow levels
ned at
- [pct-l] snowshoes in early June?
ned at
- [pct-l] 100 miles in early june
ned at
- [pct-l] Creek Crossings techniques for the current Thrus
ned at
- [pct-l] Advocates of Gun Rights
ned at
- [pct-l] The weapons question
ned at
- [pct-l] The weapons question
ned at
- [pct-l] weapons question unanswered
ned at
- [pct-l] self protection recourse?
ned at
- [pct-l] weapons question unanswered
ned at
- [pct-l] weapons question answered
ned at
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :), and realistic advice
ned at
- [pct-l] knees
neil petersen
- [pct-l] knees-ps
neil petersen
- [pct-l] (no subject)
joph at
- [pct-l] (no subject)
joph at
- [pct-l] State parks closing
shelly skye
- [pct-l] Hwy 2 reopening
gwschenk at
- [pct-l] Water Section C and Swarthout cache
gwschenk at
- [pct-l] Rather funny.. :), and realistic advice
gwschenk at
- [pct-l] Pct-l Digest, Vol 17, Issue 113
scot springberg
- [pct-l] Safe parking at Cajon Pass?
Shutterbug steiner
- [pct-l] Parking in Wrightwood?
Shutterbug steiner
- [pct-l] Fire Restrictions SoCAL Section B, C & D
Shutterbug steiner
- [pct-l] Fuller Ridge
- [pct-l] Indian Flats
- [pct-l] Horse incident
- [pct-l] Ken Murray
- [pct-l] satellite phones?
t.n. turner
- [pct-l] The weapons question
richardl at
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
mark v
- [pct-l] Just going to put this out there for Metzger to consider
mark v
- [pct-l] Plusses and minuses of "digest" form
mark v
- [pct-l] Cajon Pass
mark v
- [pct-l] 19 days to Manning Park
mark v
- [pct-l] stove choice
mark v
- [pct-l] Re Onyx
mark v
- [pct-l] hiking alone
mark v
- [pct-l] a thought on IMPASSABLE snow, the Fuller Ridge question
mark v
- [pct-l] northern CA section hike
mark v
- [pct-l] ice axe
mark v
- [pct-l] Trail Crest/ Whitney Portal
mark v
- [pct-l] Mtned's missive
mark v
- [pct-l] Mtned's missive
mark v
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
mark v
- [pct-l] Just one statistic...
mark v
- [pct-l] Mr. Liechty's list
mark v
- [pct-l] For those of you heading to Canada...
- [pct-l] resupply
- [pct-l] Umbrellas
meghan west
- [pct-l] EARTHQUAKE
edfaubert at
- [pct-l] Fragmenting the PCT information sources
edfaubert at
- [pct-l] Horse at fish creek,
jereenanderson at
- [pct-l] SoBo
mccrezy at
Last message date:
Sun May 31 22:30:19 CDT 2009
Archived on: Sun Dec 28 18:42:11 CST 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).