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[pct-l] Sleeping Bags and Tents.
Hi there fellow '05-er,
I got the Montbell Super Stretch #4 for Christmas, and I love it. I
sleep pretty warm, which is why I went with this bag (37-21 degrees).
Tried it out in my backyard one night when it was around 35 degrees and
I was plenty warm. Since I live in southern Ohio I doubt I'll get to
try it in temps lower than that. The stretchiness is wonderful for
someone who feels slightly claustrophobic: I could fully extend my arms
with the bag zipped up. And who can argue with 1 pound, 5 ounces?
See you on the trail,
Sidenote - to everyone who offered their advice on my SCA dilemma-
thank you! I chose to stay with my office job for a number of reasons,
but mostly because when it came down to making choices, the PCT is my
number one priority. Bittersweet decision, but I hope it was the smart