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[pct-l] Go-Lite
Good evening, Wildcat,
I get the impression that you are bas-ackwards in the way you select a pack
size. Rather than pick a size and hope it is correct, the process should be
to assemble everything you would carry, then load it all snugly into a
container to determine its volume. Be sure to also include the volume of
consumables, (food, water, and fuel) necessary for your time between
resupply stops. Select a pack that will barely contain that volume,
appreciating that you will burn off food at a rate of about 2-3 lbs per day.
Once you have the size established, select a model of that size based upon
what features, creature-comforts, and cosmetics you wish.
I have very successfully used the Breeze for several years now, and I have
never even had a cosmic nightmare, let alone a cosmetic one. I load the
pack in the morning before I can really see it, and it is usually near dark
when I unload it in the evening. During the time in-between it hides out of
sight behind my back. What the other hikers think of its esthetics I don't
give a big whoop. Were this not an open and public forum I would probably
ask what an attractive New York fashion model would look like after a few
weeks on the trail, but I specifically will not do so. If the Breeze
otherwise qualifies, you can probably apply some iron-on Day-Glo orange
racing stripes, or maybe hang some attractive fuzzy dice.
----- Original Message -----
From: <dmd@email.arizona.edu>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Go-Lite
> Hello all~
> A real quick question that requires a real quick answer. I have fully
> the ultralight backpacking philosophy and now I am forced to make a
> decision. Let me first say I am sold on a Go-Lite bag, but my primary
> is how much pack volume I am going to need. I hear a lot about the
Breeze, but
> I find that pack to be a cosmetic nightmare despite its obvious delights.
I am
> currently trying to decide on the Jam, which is smaller than the Breeze,
> Trek, which is considerabley larger and the Speed which is too. I feel
that if
> I get an opinion from the very well informed (you guys) I can be swayed
> my instincts to buy a larger volume pack. Any and all advice is much
> appreciated. Thanks again!
> Wildcat Dave
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