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[pct-l] Go-Lite
Just made this decision for myself too .... and chose a Go-Lite Racer just because it seemed to be just had a tad more accessories than a Breeze - a bag with straps. I have only taken it out on two long day trips fully loaded and seem to be pretty pleased. It will get its first work out next weekend and then 370 miles in Wash/Or end of Aug. If you are convinced that the Golite Speed might work for you (a bit larger and heavier) try E-bay there is a guy half way on the AT that seems to have a few in supply and is selling for less than $100.
Sharon & Chuck Chelin <chelin@teleport.com> wrote:
Good evening, Wildcat,
I get the impression that you are bas-ackwards in the way you select a pack
size. Rather than pick a size and hope it is correct, the process should be
to assemble everything you would carry, then load it all snugly into a
container to determine its volume. Be sure to also include the volume of
consumables, (food, water, and fuel) necessary for your time between
resupply stops. Select a pack that will barely contain that volume,
appreciating that you will burn off food at a rate of about 2-3 lbs per day.
Once you have the size established, select a model of that size based upon
what features, creature-comforts, and cosmetics you wish.
I have very successfully used the Breeze for several years now, and I have
never even had a cosmic nightmare, let alone a cosmetic one. I load the
pack in the morning before I can really see it, and it is usually near dark
when I unload it in the evening. During the time in-between it hides out of
sight behind my back. What the other hikers think of its esthetics I don't
give a big whoop. Were this not an open and public forum I would probably
ask what an attractive New York fashion model would look like after a few
weeks on the trail, but I specifically will not do so. If the Breeze
otherwise qualifies, you can probably apply some iron-on Day-Glo orange
racing stripes, or maybe hang some attractive fuzzy dice.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Go-Lite
> Hello all~
> A real quick question that requires a real quick answer. I have fully
> the ultralight backpacking philosophy and now I am forced to make a
> decision. Let me first say I am sold on a Go-Lite bag, but my primary
> is how much pack volume I am going to need. I hear a lot about the
Breeze, but
> I find that pack to be a cosmetic nightmare despite its obvious delights.
I am
> currently trying to decide on the Jam, which is smaller than the Breeze,
> Trek, which is considerabley larger and the Speed which is too. I feel
that if
> I get an opinion from the very well informed (you guys) I can be swayed
> my instincts to buy a larger volume pack. Any and all advice is much
> appreciated. Thanks again!
> Wildcat Dave
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