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[pct-l] resupply question
- Subject: [pct-l] resupply question
- From: themtgoat at yahoo.com (The Mountain Goat)
- Date: Mon Jan 17 01:23:28 2005
I know many PCT-hikers seem to like resupplying in towns,
but I have opted to buy 2/3 of my food beforehand, and 1/3
on the trail (approximate). My reasoning is similar to
concern. I need to eat fairly healthy. And Potato chips and
roasted nuts are off my to eat list (I say that now before
the trip, lets see if thats what I say during :-) )
So I am shipping most of my food supplies, and buying
dinners as available.
My question back to Shaundeller is are you going to a lot
the larger trail towns? or are you like me, trying to stay
on the trail. If you are sticking on the trail, and
some of the farther resupplys (Independence?) then you may
want to ship yourself the food. Especially if you have
someone to send it.
Otherwise, you could get the better food at larger towns
ship it to yourself...
-Mountain Goat-
Class of PCT 2005
<Previous Message from Shaudeller>
hey all,
I am considering whether or not it is better to resupply
via food
shipments or in local stores along the trail. I recently
bought Yogi's PCT
guidebook and it seems that many people suggest resupplying
in stores, but
it seems that the food these hikers say they are eating is
totally lacking
in anything nutritional (Pop-Tarts, Ramen, Lipton noodles,
tortillas and
cheese)??? Am I being picky here? Is it possible to
resupply strictly in
local stores and still eat healthy (whole grains, beans,
nuts occasional
fresh produce)
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