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[pct-l] resupply question
We chose to send packages because we wanted "healthy" foods (is Ben and
Jerry's healthy?). Glad we did. Except for larger towns, you aren't going to
find much in the way of health food store bulk type foods: nuts, whole oats,
dried hummus, dehydrated vegetables, whole grain pasta, etc. If you do find
them, they may be expensive. Most stores do have some type of fresh foods,
but normally of limited supply - enough to get by. However, take vitamins
with you. But don't ship yourself fresh foods.
However, there are exceptions and some small places will have what you want
(but will it be there when you are?). And, if you are willing to go a bit
off trail, you can get to larger stores. And, yes, those hiker boxes often
have great "healthy" foods.
So, it depends on you and where you are on the trail. You may want to
compromise - buy some places and ship to others.
Marshall Karon
Portland, OR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shaun Deller" <shaundeller@hotmail.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 2:27 PM
Subject: [pct-l] resupply question
> hey all,
> I am considering whether or not it is better to resupply via food
> shipments or in local stores along the trail. I recently bought Yogi's PCT
> guidebook and it seems that many people suggest resupplying in stores, but
> it seems that the food these hikers say they are eating is totally lacking
> in anything nutritional (Pop-Tarts, Ramen, Lipton noodles, tortillas and
> cheese)??? Am I being picky here? Is it possible to resupply strictly in
> local stores and still eat healthy (whole grains, beans, nuts occasional
> fresh produce)
> thanks,
> shaun D
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