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[pct-l] re: Groceries Hikers Buy...TP.

I was woundering what everybody was doing for Toilet Paper (T.P.)
After reading the Groceries Hikers Buy list... I noticed that it said,"Toilet Paper - Single Rolls or they'll steal it from Public Restrooms."
I've been saving partial roles of T.P. for a several months now, woundering what everyone else did when your talking about 28+/- resupply points.
Do you send it to yourself?
Do you try to buy single roles? Lets not ask the stealing question. 
Are you weight conscious as me, do you take out the middle cardboard center?
Just 9 more roles for me, then I can send them to myself, should the USPS agree to send me all the packages in a timely fashion...(sigh)
Enough with the Bathroom talk...:-)
-Mountain Goat-
Class of 2005

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