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[pct-l] VVR Resupply information in PCT Handbook

At 10:55 PM 3/1/2004 -0500, ROYROBIN@aol.com wrote:
>If you ARE going to send a resupply box anywhere along this section, VVR is
>the place to send it.  The cost, as I recall, is in the $10-15 range.  DO NOT
>send it to either Muir Valley Ranch or Reds Meadow.  They will cheerfully
>relieve you of $40 or thereabouts for the service.

VVR is the least expensive to receive a package.

 From the VVR webpage: http://www.edisonlake.com/default.asp?page=resupply

There is a $10.00 handling charge for each package.
There is a $6.00 charge PLUS postage per item to mail packages.

However, I always end up spending around a $100 for services and food. The 
adage, "Spend a million at Vermillion," has some truth. But, in the past, 
the business has been so generous and friendly I always felt it was money 
well spent. I have yet to visit under the new ownership.

The Muir Ranch web page: http://www.muirtrailranch.com/resupply.html

The cost to pick up the re-supply at Muir Trail Ranch is $45, but you can 
also hike to the Florence Lake Store pay $25. I resupplied at the Ranch 
once, the first time I went through the JMT. I underestimated how much I 
would eat and asked if they had food I could buy. I was pointed to the 
hiker box, a large barrel, and told to take what I wanted. Another employee 
came by and accused me of stealing. Then, it was explained the food was 
only for emergencies. The situation was so awkward, I've never gone back, 
but some say the convenience and speed without all the fiscal tempting 
services of VVR makes Muir Ranch a cheaper option.

Red's Meadow: http://mammothweb.com/redsmeadow/form.html

I found the food in the Red's Meadow restaurant something below adequate, 
more like disappointing. The hamburgers are okay, but anything past that 
made me regret the purchase. I never resupplied there. The cost is $25 and 
after being 1 day late, there is a cumulative $1 fee for every day you are 
late. The bus to Mammoth Lakes from Red's meadow or Devil's Postpile costs 
$5 ($10 round trip) where you can get better food and pick up your resupply 
package for free.
