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[pct-l] VVR Resupply information in PCT Handbook

Last time I rode the Minaret Summit bus, the ride to Mammoth ski lodge was
free, so only 5$ round trip.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tangent" <tangent@meinfelder.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Cc: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] VVR Resupply information in PCT Handbook

> At 10:55 PM 3/1/2004 -0500, ROYROBIN@aol.com wrote:
> >If you ARE going to send a resupply box anywhere along this section, VVR
> >the place to send it.  The cost, as I recall, is in the $10-15 range.  DO
> >send it to either Muir Valley Ranch or Reds Meadow.  They will cheerfully
> >relieve you of $40 or thereabouts for the service.
> VVR is the least expensive to receive a package.
>  From the VVR webpage: http://www.edisonlake.com/default.asp?page=resupply
> There is a $10.00 handling charge for each package.
> There is a $6.00 charge PLUS postage per item to mail packages.
> However, I always end up spending around a $100 for services and food. The
> adage, "Spend a million at Vermillion," has some truth. But, in the past,
> the business has been so generous and friendly I always felt it was money
> well spent. I have yet to visit under the new ownership.
> The Muir Ranch web page: http://www.muirtrailranch.com/resupply.html
> The cost to pick up the re-supply at Muir Trail Ranch is $45, but you can
> also hike to the Florence Lake Store pay $25. I resupplied at the Ranch
> once, the first time I went through the JMT. I underestimated how much I
> would eat and asked if they had food I could buy. I was pointed to the
> hiker box, a large barrel, and told to take what I wanted. Another
> came by and accused me of stealing. Then, it was explained the food was
> only for emergencies. The situation was so awkward, I've never gone back,
> but some say the convenience and speed without all the fiscal tempting
> services of VVR makes Muir Ranch a cheaper option.
> Red's Meadow: http://mammothweb.com/redsmeadow/form.html
> I found the food in the Red's Meadow restaurant something below adequate,
> more like disappointing. The hamburgers are okay, but anything past that
> made me regret the purchase. I never resupplied there. The cost is $25 and
> after being 1 day late, there is a cumulative $1 fee for every day you are
> late. The bus to Mammoth Lakes from Red's meadow or Devil's Postpile costs
> $5 ($10 round trip) where you can get better food and pick up your
> package for free.
> Tangent
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