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[pct-l] Re: Southern Section and Immigrant Worries
> Don't be ridiculous. No human being can be illegal. You can do
> something illegal, but no person can possibly be illegal! And
> politically correct or no: if someone does something illegal, that
> does not mean that they will - you know - hurt you. If I smoke
> marihuana, I may be doing something illegal, I am not hurting you!
> When my family sought a hiding place not to get deported to a death
> camp during world war II, they were helped by people who did lots of
> illegal things, but they did not usually - you know - hurt you. When
> locals tell you that in their experience they have only encountered
> pleas for water, then why would you assume that they are wrong.
As the saying goes, "you are comparing apples and oranges". The
"illegals" are invading the US for their economic gain. We seek nothing
more that they stay out of the US; much like your family wished the
Nazis would have stayed out of the Netherlands.
The US and North America is NOT alone in this. According to news
reports, much of Europe has similar problems with "illegals" entering
the wealthier countries to enrich themselves.
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