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[pct-l] Re: Southern Section and Immigrant Worries
Okay, understanding that the word illegal offends people then I would like to
just state the obvious. They would (THEY being the people who are crossing the
boarder illegally because they are not citizens of the US) if they were desperate
enough..... mug you and hurt you to get...oh lets see
money....food......water.......your clothes.......your gear......you know so they
can survive the next few days/weeks through the desert. So to me that would bring
caution......so that people on the trail don't get hurt always be aware that not
EVERYONE whether they are citizens or non-citizens are not always the nicest
people in the world and some will be willing to hurt for their survival. That is
all that everyone is trying to say. Don't be afraid and get scared off with what
your goals are on the PCT, just don't through caution to the wind........
P.S. Some family friends of ours hiked the PCT last year and they said that a
couple had gotten everything that they owned stolen from them on the trail. All
they had was their tent and sleeping bags walking into town. So it may not be
likely but it is possible.
Saskia wrote:
> Don't be ridiculous. No human being can be illegal. You can do
> something illegal, but no person can possibly be illegal! And
> politically correct or no: if someone does something illegal, that
> does not mean that they will - you know - hurt you. If I smoke
> marihuana, I may be doing something illegal, I am not hurting you!
> When my family sought a hiding place not to get deported to a death
> camp during world war II, they were helped by people who did lots of
> illegal things, but they did not usually - you know - hurt you. When
> locals tell you that in their experience they have only encountered
> pleas for water, then why would you assume that they are wrong?
> OK, off topic, so I'll shut up.
> Saskia
> >These people are illegials not immigrants.
> >
> >With all due disrespect, I think you guys are being politically correct [the
> >ultimate insult] instead of truthful. Two legged critters are a danger on
> >the trail. This means that there is a potential danger anywhere the trail
> >comes close to accessable areas. The illegials are doing something illegial.
> >You know, breaking the law. That means that they can do something illegial.
> >Like hurt you. They are probably desperate. That means that they might do a
> >desperate thing. You know, break the law. You know, like hurt you.
> >
> >It is true that illegials wish to avoid detection. This is also true of
> >mountain lions, turantulas, rattle snakes, spiders, bears and a host of
> >other things. That doesn't make any of them less dangerous. Attacks are
> >rare. Yep. Does that mean that you should not take precautions?
> >
> >My original reason for starting the ADZPCTKO was to "provide a gathering
> >place and time for thruhikers to start up the trail together in order to
> >avoid danger" If a thruhiker simply starts that weekend he/she will be with
> >enough people to minimize danger. By the Pines-to-Palms Highway you will
> >have all spread out but the danger is minimal thereafter. That is why it is
> >called ANNUAL DAY ZERO.....PCT.....Kick Off.
> >
> >If you are worried attend ADZPCTKO. If not, hike your own hike.
> >
> >Tom
> >
> >Note: To thruhikers who say I can't start that weekend. Bull!!! Lots of us
> >have spent considerable time and money so you CAN. Figure it out.
> --
> ---------------------
> "If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawn mower"
> ---------------------
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