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[pct-l] ear plugs no mas
If you meet my consideration of being inconsiderate I'll tell you off. It's
as simple as that. You can tell me till your blue in the face that
"inconsiderate" is a relative term but I've got my ear plugs on. Like the
judge said, "I can't define obscenity, but I know it when I see it." One of
the reasons I go backpacking is to get away from all the inconsiderate jerks
that live in the city that play loud music till 3A.M., go target practicing
in the nearby woods and let their dogs bark all day while they're at work.
They used to blow smoke in my face at restaurants too but people spoke up and
at least put an end to that. Others must feel the same. Why else would noise
ordinances be enacted? I'm sure smokers believe non smokers meet their
definition of "inconsiderate." I say "So what." Ditto for snowmobilers, dirt
and mountain bikers who must feel that the 1964 Wilderness Act is mighty
inconsiderate because it stops them from enjoying themselves in all the purty
places. I'm just not going to put up with it in the wilderness. I'm going to
get even instead and if anyone doesn't like my perception of inconsideration
they can choose to avoid me instead of the other way around. Lines in the
sand must sometimes just be made. Imposing radios on people trying to enjoy
the sounds of nature in the wilderness is one of them. If you disagree you'll
just have to not like me. Oh well!! I'm certain there's plenty of people who
aren't quite as vocal as me who agree with me on this issue
P.S. I avoided the 2 or 3 shelters on the PCT and avoid car campgrounds
full of drunken "LET'S PARTY" types like the plague they are. I am also fully
aware of the differences between "normal" camping sounds (talking, cooking,
chopping wood, kids playing) and inconsiderate ones such as drunken yelling
and playing loud music all night
Hostile, "The last angry man" Mountain Dave