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[pct-l] Long hike - Food Preparation/Drops

* Message posted to PCT-L from the National Scenic Trails Website
* by our guest john garrett <backpack@fuse.net>.
* Please use <mailto:backpack@fuse.net> to reply to the sender.

I posted this here since it also applies to the PCT, CDT, the Colorado Trail
and any other long trails where the trip takes a week or more.

I have noticed some comments from past thru hikers and others preparing for
this year’s AT trip about difficulties with the logistics of the food drops.
Most rely on family and friends, but some folks are having problems in this
area. I noticed one comment about a friend shipping goods without weight
considerations, (canned goods) and costly shipping methods because of last
minute preparation. A well-meaning friend or family member that is not aware
of weight and nutrition considerations can cause undue stress financially
and physically.
Is there a service to assemble and package the right ingredients/meals and
ship the food drops in an affordable manner? If not, is there any interest
in the service of experienced backpackers that are aware of nutritional
needs and least weight requirements?

John & Bethany Garrett

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
