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Re: [pct-l] resend msg

I just finnished the JMT on 9/15/98 and saw Brian Sweet at Vermillion Valley
Resort on about 9/12/98. (Vermillion is a very hiker-friendly spot, where they
let PCT/JMT thru-hikers stay the first night free!).  He only had about 160
miles left and predicted that he would be done in 6 days.  He mentioned that he
was hiking with Brian and Martina but decided to go at a little faster pace.
He also mentioned that he saw "Marathon Man" a few days earlier and that MM was
about one day ahead of him going south baound, but had to go to Mexico since he
started in Canada.
    I also ran into a swiss couple - Martin and Cibyl, who were extremely nice
and coninuing northbound after skiiping the sierras and finnishing
Oregon/Washington before returning to Kennedey Meadows to complete their
northbound hike.  They probably had about two-three more weeks to go before

Dude in TX

Greg Hummel wrote:

> At 08:03 AM 9/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Please put personal bickering aside and get back to
> >HELPING others!
> Hear! Hear!
> >For those of you with information
> >on '98 PCT hikers
> >whereabouts and experiences please get on line and give us
> >your news, this
> >is why we come here.  Walt and I are wanting to know how
> >the following are
> >doing; . . . Martina and Brian,
> Martina and Brian flip flopped after reaching the Kernville area and
> started hiking south from the Canadian border.  All has been excellent
> except for a little snow initially and for a bad case of Giardia that took
> Martina down for about a week near Mt. Hood, Oregon.
> They reported a few days ago from Sierra City headed south at about 25
> miles per day, expecting to be in the Echo Lakes area around Sept. 12-13.
> They are trying to catch Brian Sweet but realize they have little or no
> chance since he is about a week ahead and moving at a faster pace.
> BTW, I was in the southern Sierra's at Kennedy Meadows this last weekend.
> The weather was strange, rain, thunder and lightning, moderate
> temperatures.  I stopped in to speak with the owner/operator of the Kennedy
> Meadows store and thanked him for his service and help to all of the thru
> and section hikers.  He said that he got a kick out of hearing the stories
> and from people who had finished the trail.
> THRU HIKERS, TAKE A HINT HERE!  Please put a number of post cards into your
> last box of the hike and send them to all of the people who own these mail
> locations to give them a short story or two and tell them that you made it
> in part due to their contributions.  IT WILL MAKE THEIR DAY AND INSURE THE
> YEARS.  These people provide room and labor to store the hundreds of
> packages that PCTers send every year.  Let's insure that they will be
> willing and positive sources in the years to come!
> Greg "Strider" Hummel
> * From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
