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[pct-l] Trail maintence
$10 and now $15 is enough to keep low income families from being able
to visit a National Park. It's an expensive proposition just to
drive to the nearest National Park for low income folks! The National
Parks are for all of us and the poor should not be excluded. If you
are both low income and disabled you can get a free life time pass.
But if you are just low income you don't get a break.
Thank Ronald Reagan.
On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 17:10:14 -0800 (PST), Junaid Dawud
<jdawud@yahoo.com> had this to say:
>Yeah And we shouldn't whine about National Park fees
>either. I for one like paying NP fees, it makes me
>feel like I'm helping protect the thing I've come to
>marvel at.
>----------Junaid #41PCT2006
>--- "JoAnn M." <jomike@cot.net> wrote:
>> why are hikers that are raising money for a charity
>> more indebted to the trail than hikers who hike JUST
>> for themselves?
>> (The above is from an off line conversation so I am
>> not sighting the author.)
>> I guess I read it differently or not carefully
>> enough for no way was I pin pointing fund raisers as
>> needing to do trail maintenance more than anyone
>> else. My very strong feeling is EVERYONE day hiker,
>> section hiker, thru-hiker...everyone, has an
>> obligation to give back to the trail.
>> My your New Year find you hiking as much as you'd
>> like!
>> JoAnn
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