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[pct-l] non-PCT talk
- Subject: [pct-l] non-PCT talk
- From: pmags at yahoo.com (Paul Magnanti)
- Date: Fri Dec 23 12:50:40 2005
"....or "in their cups" spout off on a topic they are
passionate about."
Ouch..my one feeling was hurt! :-)
Hey..I did put an "OT: Subject" before my post. Just
thought it was an amusing thing some people enjoyed. I
do think Jeff used my OT post to make a pun about
political posts in general.
Anyway while: "I agree, trials, training, food,
equipment are the primary toipcs that should be
discussed here." is good in theory.
However, it is a member driven list.
I am very active with my outdoor group. Though I
organize some beginner focused trips (Land Nav 101, a
lightweight backpacking clinic, a beginners
backpacking trip, a ton of easy social hikes during
the week) on weekends I organize many "hardcore"
Everyyear some people grumble the trips are too hard.
My response? "Hey..it is a loosely organized,
membership driven group. If you think the trips are
too hard..organize some easier ones".
In the same token, I too loathe the poltical
arguements. But you know what I do? I ignore them. And
I start or contribute to threads that are relevant to
the discussion of the PCT or the outdoors in general
(with the occasional goofy post about stacking cups!
It is very easy to complain about lack of PCT
posts/trips that are too hard. It is much harder to
type up a great topic starter/organize some easy
The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on. And old
Arab saying tha applies to life in general.
So for those lurkers out there who want a thread of
stoves..ask away. (You can see my recent thread about
two weeks ago if you want to see a hideous stove/pot
system that got a lot of responses.
http://www.magnanti.com/miscwritings/oldyeller.htm ).
If you are like me and find gear talk not the most
passionate topic, post a trip report. I rarely post my
trip reports here because I don't know how people will
react to backcountry skiing in Colorado. :-) My
favorite discussions though are the "meta
discussions". The gestalt of the outdoors if you will.
Bring that up too. Just do something rather than say
"this sucks"!
(Please note Jeff, I am not aiming this at you...I
*love* your stories. You just brought up a point I
wanted to address!)
OK..I am done for the day.
Have a happy (insert politically correct holiday) all!
The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust
caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched