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[pct-l] non-PCT talk
For me it's really about the "Signal to Noise" ratio. It happens on
every list I'm on. Someone will post a cause or a joke, or a whatever
that is near and dear to their heart but in no way vaguely related to
the topic of the list. Soon however, the number of "off topic" posts
outnumber the "on topic" posts and people begin to leave, as the list
is no longer relevant to them.
Sure, deleting these posts requires little effort, just a click of the
mouse, but when I have to wade through as many as 5 out of 10 or so
posts that have absolutely nothing to do with the PCT, it makes me
wonder if this list is serving it's purpose.
I don't think asking people to stay on topic should be equated with
Hitler. (way to invoke Goowins Law!
I am an active member of this list, I post questions and try to offer
answers when I can. I'm also asking that this list stay on topic.
Not trying to flame anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. I can be just as
guilty of this as the next person.
Chai Guy