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[pct-l] Super Secrets Updates
All this talk about global warming and anti- gravity (and I think
maybe the marijuana discussion is blending in here, too) got me
thinking. What if gravity were variable like the weather. You
know, sometimes gravity might be stronger and other times weaker.
Imagine it.
"Man, this is sure a high gravity morning. I think I'll say in my
sleeping bag until it lightens up bit."
"Hey, let's get a move on while it's still light. I want to be over
Forester Pass before the heavy gravity rolls in."
And imagine what severe gravity weather might be like. "A severe
gravicane hit the small community of Upton this afternoon. Several
people were caught unawares when gravity fell to near zero and they
floated away. Three teenagers were found clinging to the top of a
fir tree and rescued by volunteers from Upton Fire Department. Bart
Fardwater, 53, of West Upton, apparently fell asleep outdoors before
the gravity storm and did not awaken until he was several hundred
feet off the ground. Tragically, he was still aloft when the storm
suddenly ended and he fell to his death on the Interstate 405
overpass. Mr. Fardwater's funeral service has been postponed until
gravity abates sufficiently that his six cousins are able to carry
his coffin."
And so on.
Wayne Kraft
On Dec 5, 2005, at 5:55 PM, Tortoise wrote:
> Switchback,
> good thing you are doing your tests indoors in your garage. That
> way when you go sub, sub, ultra-lite negative, your lighter than
> nothing pack won't pick you up and then carry you away like you was
> hanging from a balloon except that you'd never stop going up. Just
> be sure you have someone around to pull you off the ceiling and
> back to the floor. Hate to loose you because you got pinned against
> the ceiling of your garage and couldn't get down.
> We're waiting breathlessly for the results of your tests. How soon
> can I carry 50 klog (kilograms) of gear in your pack and have it
> weigh nothing due to your stupendous design.
> Just kidding of course. Hope you keep your feet on the ground.
> ----------
> Tortoise
> I switched to Mac OSX rather than fight Windows
> Using Mozilla Thunderbird http://www.mozilla.org/products/
> thunderbird/
> Hiker97@aol.com wrote:
>> By the way, I have not forgotten about Sub Extreme Ultra Light
>> backpacking. The experiments will begin after the first of the
>> year into negative, neutral, and positive Sub Extreme Ultra Light
>> load carrying. The experiments will take place in my garage,
>> which will probably become a historic tour site in years to come
>> along with the appropriate federal calendar holiday to
>> memorialize the experiments. Sort of like the Thomas Edison's
>> lab in New Jersey. I have already obtained a source of the key
>> supply item and can easily transfer that from my neighbor's
>> garage next door to my garage. I was lucky that his hobby
>> includes using this important ingredient. :-)
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