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[pct-l] Constructive Dialog (was: Why I Boycotted the ADZPCTKO . ..)

Denver ?  hhaha

look at the numbers we have starting the PCT vs. the AT......still pretty

most stretches of the PCT in Southern California get very little use during
the rest of the year, so the impact issue seems minor to me.

And what's everyone's response to the hiking partner issue for solo hikers ?
find one at the kickoff !!!......most folks thru hiking are on a tight
budget and can't afford to be jetsetting time or $ wise around the country
for an early or late kickoff........

Trail town or hiker host impact ?  well,  I think the biggest problems there
are are like arriving at Mt. Laguna and finding the store sold out if you're
at the tail end of the wave of hikers.......

as for the saufleys watch out she yells real loud !!!! hahaha

just kidding much respect,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Saenz" <msaenz@mve-architects.com>
To: <Slyatpct@aol.com>; <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:24 AM
Subject: [pct-l] Constructive Dialog (was: Why I Boycotted the ADZPCTKO .

> I opined off line reflecting Sly's observation regarding the narrow
> window of a PCT thru-hike start dates.
> Get through the Southern California deserts before it's too hot. Get to
> the high country in the Sierras just as the last major snow obstacles
> melt. Get to Washington before the Autumn weather REALLY kicks in...
> This year, the thru-hikers have been thrown a fast sinking curve ball
> with the snow in the San Jacintos and San Gabriels. The silver lining is
> that the weather through The Borrego is downright pleasant right now.
> The San Felipes are covered in GREEN GRASS...
> But still the window is narrow enough to cause a wave of hikers on the
> same section at one time, coalescing around the trail towns and trail
> host homes. I suspect that Southern and Central California are the most
> impacted sections, as the drop out rate will have thinned out an already
> spreading out herd of hikers.
> I don't think (and this is just my own opinion) that moving the date or
> location of ADZ would alter the size and cohesion of the wave through
> California.
> BUT...
> I DO think that the idea of an earlier, alternate location for a
> gathering of thru-hikers has merit. I suggest a location somewhere
> centralized to where most thru-hikers spend their lives off-season. For
> sake of discussion, let's say Denver. Denver's a hub city so airfare can
> be more affordable. It's close enough to the east coast so the AT hikers
> can attend easier than going to Morena Res. It can be held sometime
> between the time of the previous year's Manning arrival and the current
> Campo departure. The last class of thru-hikers should be encouraged to
> participate to download all the first hand knowledge while it's still
> fresh in their minds to the next class. It will also serve to "extend"
> the thru-hike experience for just a few more months...
> There's a bit of a lull in the hiking season's excitement between the
> last arrival at Manning and the time Carl begins registering for ADZ.
> Scott's yo-yo served to keep the excitement going last year, but January
> is a fairly slow PCT month. (Is it just me or do the bear can/trail
> dog/mountain bike/gun discussions seem to fly around December-January?)
> Anyway, Donna raises a very important issue regarding the impacts of
> ever larger thru-hiker waves impacting trail towns, Angel hostels and
> more importantly- The Trail itself. One of more eloquent personalities
> of the PCT community, Donna may have mis-chose her post title with the
> word "Boycott". But I'm sure there isn't a single person among us who
> questions Donna's devotion to the thru-hikers and The Trail or any of
> her intents.
> It's an important issue that NEEDS consideration. Better sooner than
> latter. Let's bat this around and see what surfaces.
> -Oilcan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net
> [mailto:pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net] On Behalf Of
> Slyatpct@aol.com
> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:43 AM
> To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
> Subject: Re: [pct-l] Why I Boycotted the ADZPCTKO . . .
> In a message dated 4/25/2005 3:02:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> dsaufley@sprynet.com writes:
> > I want to state clearly that the ADZ has grown into the BEST event for
> > long-distance hikers this side of the Mississippi, and it is quite
> > simply wonderful.
> >
> Key word being "growth".
> It's not just the ADZ that has grown but the popularity of the PCT as
> well.
> On the AT they call it, "loving the trail to death.
> In my opinion, regardless of if there is a Kick Off or not, on the PCT,
> the window of opportunity is short and in any given year "hiker crunch"
> is going to cause an impact.  How do you lessen it?  You don't, you live
> with it.
> In normal snow years, the best timed start is the last (full) weekend in
> April.  Timed to hit KM for Ray Day and/or the High Sierra for the
> earliest possible safe passage.  This year is different, your best date
> would be two weeks from now.  If there were no ADZ that's when the
> crunch would be.  While the hikers wouldn't have to linger for the
> majority of snow to melt, there's a very good possibility they wouldn't
> make it to Canada on time.
> Sly
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