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[pct-l] ice axe for So Cal?

For San Jacinto????  Nothing.  Or if I have doubts, I'll carry 4 oz
Yaktrax, almost crampons, almost disposable...under $20 after 10% rebate
from that place that gives member rebates.
Ice ax??  I'll flip and/or flop and flip to the drought areas up north to
catch better water conditions.  As a result I'll get better High Sierra
snow conditions.
No ice ax.....................................yet

Warner Springs Monty

> [Original Message]
> From: Brett Cassidy <brettcassidy2000@yahoo.com>
> To: Casey Dunn <casedunn@yahoo.com>; <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
> Date: 3/26/2005 8:53:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [pct-l] ice axe for So Cal?
> Im going to have my ice axe mailed to me at Kennedy Meadows.  I figure my
poles will be enough to get me through the San Jacintos.  Ive never hiked
the PCT before though so take this as an extremely informed opinion, Im
just not too worried about needing an ice axe in the san jacintos.
> -Brett
> Casey Dunn <casedunn@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm putting my bounce box together and trying to decide whether to
include my ice axe. I figure it might be needed near San Jacinto and some
other places in southern California. Or will my hiking poles be enough?
> Are other hikers carrying, or bouncing, their ice axes in So Cal? And for
PCT veterans, do you think it's necessary?
> I'm starting during the kickoff - just to give a time reference.
> Thanks,
> Casey Dunn
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