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[pct-l] Printing www.hikertrash.net maps?
These maps appear useful for "the big picture," but I
certainly wouldn't want to use them for "orienteering" as is
stated on the HikerTrash website. And they don't really
replace the guidebook maps, which depict the route more
accurately and with more information. DeLorme's TOPO USA,
the platform on which HikerTrash's maps were created, simply
doesn't present enough map detail for efficient
Not that routefinding is generally a huge concern on the
PCT, but then the person going out of her way to obtain such
maps might have, well, other plans... like a snowbound walk
through the High Sierra. In which case, why not consider
using the far more detailed and accurate USGS 7.5' quads, a
la National Geographic's TOPO! and the downloadable PCT
route through California available on their website:
The PCT route has been their "download of the week" for what
seems like years now. Isn't this route the handiwork of
someone on pct-l, along with a small army of GPS-wielding
field recruits? Perhaps someone out there who has NatGeo's
TOPO! California edition and plenty of free time could
download the track, create map-sized copies of the route,
and then make them available as JPG files for public
download. Such might be one workable solution for
map-starved hikers in planning, who no doubt would lavish
praise for years upon the purveyor of such cartographic
- blisterfree
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