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[pct-l] PCT - FLIP FLOP

I took a look at the AMTRAK site and found this info.. Bakersfield to
Vancouver (BFD - VAN) on June 25 had a low
fair of $81.00  Departs at 3:45pm and gets into Vancouver the next day at
4:28pm.  This is reserved Coach.


This is early enough If you get in on time that you can catch the Cannook
Grey Dog ?? to Manning Park for 
under $30.00 US. It would depend on were the 2 terminals are located.


I know of several Hostels in downtown Vancouver.. Stayed across the street
from one in 2003.  

Just for reference -- the Gray Dog was approx $160.00 and Plane out of
Fresno even more...

SirJames from Southern California
Candidate ... PCT Class of 2008