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[pct-l] What is your current pack weight now

Weight at Campo: 206
Pack Weight at Campo: 19

Weight at Agua Dulce: 195

Weight at Sierra City: 179
Pack Weight at Sierra City: 17

Weight at Manning Park: 179
Pack Weight at Manning Park: 18

My "normal" weight is 188.  With carelessness, I
allowed my weight to balloon in the last six months
before the thru hike, perhaps a bad idea.  I lost
weight during the hike, eating whatever I wanted.  My
good eating habits, learned with effort and sacrifice
over decades, were out the window.  After the thru
hike, rather quickly, I was back up to the high 190's.
 It has taken two years to relearn my earlier good
habits and get back to taking the same number of
calories as I burn.

--- Lars Nilsson <lars@standardarmament.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am a student at PCC and am in a statistics
> class.  I needed to
> find an interesting topic in which to conduct an
> informative poll.  The
> average pack weight of people who have completed the
> PCT compared to
> their bodyweight came to mind. 
> In order to conduct this survey I need only 2
> questions answered: your
> pack weight and bodyweight.  For my project I will
> need 30 or more
> responses but I feel that this community is up to
> the task.  I am also
> comparing your guys pack weights with that of the AT
> community.  You are
> helping a college student complete a class, think of
> it as your good
> deed of the month. 
> I know pack weights have dropped drastically.  When
> I was 13 I went
> backpacking for a week up in Mount Adams and my pack
> weighed 45 pounds.
> This past summer I went backpacking with an 18 pound
> at New Army Pass.
> Also in regards to my survey I only need the
> responses of men.  I am not
> trying to be sexist - it is only that in terms of my
> research I had to
> pick one sex and thought that I would have a higher
> chance of completing
> my research if the topic applied to men. 
> Thank you all for your help
> I will share my results with this community after I
> have received all of
> the data I need.
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