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[pct-l] Palmdale to Mojave/Tehachapi Pass

Hitchhiking is one of those things of serendipity that are hard to  predict.  
That being said, Highway 14 from Palmdale to Mojave is a Freeway  ... which 
means no hitchhiking ON it.  You may have seen the recent  plethora of posts 
about that.  However, the on ramps are fair game and it  is a very well traveled 
road.  If you put yourself on one of the main on  ramps, and unlike me --  
whom, I think projects an image of Charles Manson  meets Santa Claus - look  
reasonably wholesome and semi-pathetic, you  should be able to get to Mojave and 
beyond without too much trouble.  

"No Way" Ray  Echols