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[pct-l] What is your current pack weight now
- Subject: [pct-l] What is your current pack weight now
- From: metam01 at earthlink.net (Monty Tam)
- Date: Wed Feb 2 01:47:29 2005
Cool Project
I hope we get to see the results.
Before I answer your question, I have one.
How do you think the differences in weather conditions and terrain between
the AT and PCT create a need for more vs. less equipment and clothing (Pack
I'm not saying that it's comparing apples to oranges, but here in
California, one kind of orange can be very different from other.
Pack weight 8 lbs.
Body Weight 180lbs.
PCT completed last year? No. Still need to finish Washington and part of
I required more equiptment for the High Sierras. It was heavier then. 15?
I was not as teachable when I started my hike. 12 lbs. then.
More than half the hike............8 lbs.
Currently just over 7 lbs(waiting on three new pieces of gear) for south of
Kennedy Meadows.
Thank You Lars
Warner Springs Monty
> [Original Message]
> From: Lars Nilsson <lars@standardarmament.com>
> To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
> Date: 2/1/2005 2:31:25 PM
> Subject: [pct-l] What is your current pack weight now
> Hi, I am a student at PCC and am in a statistics class. I needed to
> find an interesting topic in which to conduct an informative poll. The
> average pack weight of people who have completed the PCT compared to
> their bodyweight came to mind.
> In order to conduct this survey I need only 2 questions answered: your
> pack weight and bodyweight. For my project I will need 30 or more
> responses but I feel that this community is up to the task. I am also
> comparing your guys pack weights with that of the AT community. You are
> helping a college student complete a class, think of it as your good
> deed of the month.
> I know pack weights have dropped drastically. When I was 13 I went
> backpacking for a week up in Mount Adams and my pack weighed 45 pounds.
> This past summer I went backpacking with an 18 pound at New Army Pass.
> Also in regards to my survey I only need the responses of men. I am not
> trying to be sexist - it is only that in terms of my research I had to
> pick one sex and thought that I would have a higher chance of completing
> my research if the topic applied to men.
> Thank you all for your help
> I will share my results with this community after I have received all of
> the data I need.
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