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[pct-l] adapting to heat

The best advice I can give you is to GO SLOW!  

When you get hot, stop and rest in the shade.  Don't
keep pushing on....people end up in the hospital doing
so.  Hike slow, rest a lot, and siesta.

Don't be afraid to take a long break during the
hottest part of the day.  I usually do not even
attempt to hike between 11:00am and 3:00pm in the
hottest areas.

Don't try to keep up with other hikers.  Some people
are better adapted to the heat...some people are just
going to ignore it and may end up in trouble.  Don't
hike in the heat just because others are....I saw so
many people get sick doing that this last year. 

A good wide-brimmed sunhat, a lightweight
light-colored long-sleeve shirt, and a mylar-covered
umbrella are your number one defenses to protect your
body from the radiative heat of the Southern
California sun.

Good luck -- remember, GO SLOW!


--- toby woodard <tobywoodard@msn.com> wrote:

> I live in Massachusetts and am planning a PCT
> thru-hike, starting right after the kick-off.  I'm
> very worried about adapting to that intense heat in
> S. Cal.  Any suggestions?
> Son of BillyGoat
> *
> *
> *
> The most exquisitely wonderful and comforting
> experience a man can have in his lifetime is the
> opportunity to smell the aromatically rich and
> intoxicating bouquet that eminates as the scent of a
> beautiful woman upon her first waking in the
> morning.
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