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4oz flyfishing kit Re: [pct-l] 1 lb flyfishing rig

Hi Jeff,

> I really intended the post to be for people who enjoy the art of 
> presenting a fly to a fish as naturally as possible, playing the fish, 
> and then releasing it. That is fly-fishing.

I missunderstood you. I understand that fly-casting is fun. I tried it 
myself and as long as there is no wind and no brushes it has a nice rhytm. 
But in the field fly casting failed miserably on me. There are always 
trees to snag on, setup and breakdown of equipment is a pain (about 10 
minutes with a 7 piece rod) and in the middle of the trip I fell and broke 
the tip of my rod - for which I could not _purchase_ a replacement. For 
this reason I wrote my original email and pointed out, that for a fraction 
of the money and weight of your setup it is possible to land plenty of 

> Currently there is a study being conducted out of UC Davis concerning the
> early genetic ranges of the Golden trout. The researchers may press our
> congress to lable these varieties as rare and endangered following the
> extensive DNA study being done.

Let me rephrase: What you just caught looks like a golden trout. It most 
likely isn't to our definition. (It's a hybrid.) But because you don't 
have a portable DNA testing kit in your backpack - release it!

In any case, I am interested in any new developments. I just did a quick 
search for the UC Davis results. What they say is that most goldens are 
hybridized. What has been done in the past (and I guess might be done in 
the future) is to remove/kill all genetically impure fish, build more 
barriers downstream and restock them with "perfect" goldens. Am I wrong?
