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[pct-l] Water report
Thanks! I've updated the water page at www.4Jeffrey.Net/pctwater. There
haven't been many reports lately, as the thru-hikers are now well up north.
I'll keep posting whatever water info shows up here or directly to my email
for the benefit of section hikers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dana Law" <mindreader@yahoo.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 12:40 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Water report for Mount San Jacinto
> Returned last night from a 2 day trip from Fobes Saddle to Fuller Ridge
Remote Campsite.
> Found water running well at the creek just before the trail down to
Tahquitz Meadow where we expected to have to go for it. The next day we
found dippable water at what would be believe is the south fork of the San
Jacinto River and then much to our amazement a really good flow of water in
the North fork of the San Jacinto Creek past the Fuller Ridge trail sign. It
is listed as reliable in the handbook but it looked like a flood to our
Southern California eyes.
> Dana Law
> mindreader
> "At the bottom of the mountain any pauper can get water but on top of the
mountain the man with water is king."
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