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[pct-l] Scary bear story & not hanging food
a) agreed, assuming one who bothered to lug a cannister would ignore
the instructions to place the cannister away from one's campsite
b) if it wasn't trained before, it certainly has been now
c) agreed, but have the odds now increased for this bear to more
aggressive with the next hikers it encounters?
d) (my own) if thru hikers are too early in the season to meet many
bears, and these thru hikers met bears, but they were hiking 8-10 behind
the pack, where's the break even point. i.e. If one were to leave KM on
6/15, in a heavy snow year, is no cannister is a good gamble? But
leaving KM at the same time on a light snow year, better take the can?
I guess I don't see how to make a good judgement call at KM.
dude wrote:
>(a) the bear STILL may have wondered into camp because cannisters do
>not keep the smell of food from reaching the bear,
>(b) the bear STILL may have ripped up their packs because he's
>obviously already been trained to know that hikers keep food in
>unattended packs
>(c) the bear *could* have still attempted to attack one of them
>I don't see how carrying a cannister in *THIS* particular situation
>would have improved anything.