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[pct-l] Camping in Campo?

You can mostly camp where you want on the PCT, except where noted.  There
are some stretches across private property where you are not supposed to
camp, but these are rarely long and are not really inconvenient.  Some of
the state park land in California requires a separate permit if you want
to camp there, but this was a non-issue for me in 03.  There are some
restrictions on camping in some of the national parks.  Off the top of my 
head, you need to stay away from Thousand Island Lake.  Rae Lakes has some
sort of warning on it, but I can't remember it. 

More of an issue close to the border is security.  Some people believe it
to be a bad idea to camp before Lake Morena.  If you find your way over to 
Walking Jim's website, and look through his PCT journal for the first
night, you'll find an interesting non-encounter he had in Hauser Canyon (I
think).  I wouldn't get too worked up about it.  Supposedly there
is a ballfield or museum or something like that
in Campo where you can camp.

Christopher Willett
Department of Mathematics
Indiana University
831 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN. 47405-7106