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[pct-l] Cutbacks

I've benefited greatly from the discussions on this list as I have 
planned my 2004
thru-hike. I'm also very interested in public policy in many areas 
including our natural resources and I understand that many federal 
policy decisions have an effect on the PCT but I would prefer there to 
be a minimal amount of political discussion on
PCT-L and that those discussions should at least be *directly* related 
to the PCT.

like it or not the p.c.t. is a political creation. it`s fun to talk about  favorite resupply stops and tennis shoes,but it`s important to talk about the political realities of the trail.If we do`nt take care of the political side we lose the trail.Remember vast areas of the trail cross easments and private land.The owners can revoke permission at whim.Some of thse lands were scheduled to be purchased,one problem,the p.c.t. did`nt get a penney,not one dollar was set aside for land purchases.politics matter.

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