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[pct-l] Cutbacks
On Mar 19, 2004, at 8:11 PM, Bob Bankhead wrote:
> "service level adjustment' due to fiscal constraints"
> Just where did you think Bush et al were getting the money to pay those
> outlandish 25 million $ rewards for Bin Laden et al?
I've benefited greatly from the discussions on this list as I have
planned my 2004
thru-hike. I'm also very interested in public policy in many areas
including our natural resources and I understand that many federal
policy decisions have an effect on the PCT but I would prefer there to
be a minimal amount of political discussion on
PCT-L and that those discussions should at least be *directly* related
to the PCT.
One-liners about Bin Laden are *NOT* what I want to read when I look at
my PCT-L messages.
The particular message that prompted me to write this is just one
example of several over the last couple of weeks--I'm not trying to
single anyone out or pick political sides and this is (obviously) just
one reader's opinion.