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[pct-l] pulling a cart/Pink Motel

These are the rules and the exceptions as I know them.   

Perhaps there should be a week set aside every year where chainsaws and such 
can be used without the hassle permit process so everyone would know this week 
as your trail is being cleared, your wilderness experience may be interupted.


In a message dated 3/17/2004 8:55:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
kdpo@pacbell.net writes:

> On the subject of mechanized tools: we talked to a BLM ranger who was
> looking to clear a large downfall near Robbers Roost, south of Kennedy
> Meadows, in 2000. He said in order to bring in a chain saw he had to file
> paperwork detailing why the chainsaw was required in the wilderness area. He
> had to fully support not using hand tools. The request then was published
> and had a long period for comments. Then if it was approved he could bring
> the power tools to cut the downed tree. He also said environmental groups
> routinely watch for these requests and make comments to try to avoid the use
> of power tools.