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[pct-l] frogg toggs and O2 Rainwear
At 05:02 PM 12/15/2003 -0600, yogi yogi wrote:
>The frogg toggs material is cheap for a reason. It's crap.
I had a different but similiar experience with Frogg Toggs. On Mount Baden
Powell, I was caught in a bad snow/rain/ice storm. I had not properly
cinched my Frogg Toggs and got wet around the neck and around my waist (it
was wind-driven rain/ice/snow). After cinching them and continuing to hike,
I dried out. I was impressed because this was my first positive experience
with breathable rain gear.
However, as I passed the South Sister in Oregon, I had 3 days of rain. My
Frogg Toggs did not work very well. I was not wet, but definitely damp. The
rain wasn't as bad as it was in Souther California, so I suspect Frogg
Toggs degrade over time.
I don't think they are crap, per se, but I also prefer my Marmot Precip
rain jacket as it does not tear as easily and, so far for me, seems to hold
up for a longer duration than the Frogg Toggs.
If you are going to buy Frogg Toggs, consider replacing them halfway in
trip, perhaps before Etna.