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[pct-l] Thru-Hikers Status
Hey, I know it's a bit off topic, but I'm curious about your bear encounter. Did you have any food or fragrant items in the tent? Were you in the tent at the time? Was it during the day or at night?
JDRows <jdrows@comcast.net> wrote:
Whilst returning to Tuolemne Meadows on the 5 PM backpacker shuttle last
Saturday, saw 3 people had been running into all day:
Shutterbug from Nova Scotia (river guide and book keeper),
Steady from Tulsa (commercial real estate), and
Sunburn from England (theatre lighting and photography).
Had walked down with my son from TM by way of Cloud's Rest the day before
and camped near the Half Dome Trail off the JMT. Had a Mama Bear (whilst
BooBoo 1 & 2 took notes) try to claw into our tent (mesh repairs needed),
but that's another story. Noticed the 3 PCTers going down the Mist Trail
and then over at Curry Village where it was still in the 90s (they had that
"This is a great life!" thru-hiker stare).
After seeing them on the bus, started talking to them. True hikers. They
took a few days off to go hiking and visit Half Dome (which was glorious)!
They were going to resupply yesterday and meet up with Steady's husband
Steve at Sonora Pass for their next resupply. It was interesting to get
their mid-hike gear reviews. Sunburn needed to take a few days off after
the desert following heatstroke. He spoke glowingly of help from the
Saufleys. He had run into Shutterbug on the AT in '98 and they remembered
each other. Shutterbug loves her Squall but had to get rid of her Breeze
early on despite being within weight limits. Sunburn is very fond of his
Osprey Aether 60 and Pepsi can stove.
'04 GonnaBe
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