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[pct-l] re: pain relievers
Matt Geis wrote:
> You gotta love it when people post things like this.
> >> and your medical training is what.
You should know that the person asking the question is a
self-proclaimed expert on most any outdoor topic you wish to suggest,
including backcountry medicine. I suspect he wished to give his own
'insightful' opinions, but feared stepping in it were he to contradict
someone with actual credentials (note that he hasn't responded since it
turns out the individual is an actual expert). For what it's worth,
awhile back someone tried to check out the certifications he claimed,
and the organization in question had never heard of him, as far as their
records showed.
It's probably a good idea to be skeptical about any information given
in a forum or mailing list, and doubly so when it involves Dave Fales or
'Team Courage'.
Ron, who claims no expertise at all...
It is our attitude toward free thought and free expression that will
determine our fate. There must be no limit on the range of temperate
discussion, no limits on thought. No subject must be taboo. No censor
must preside at our assemblies.
William O. Douglas