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[pct-l] 1977 Thruhike disqualified. Go back and do it again.
Reynold writes:
> You were carrying the load too LOW. On a non-yoke shoulder system the
> shoulder straps should go up from the shoulders at a 45 degree angle to the
> frame. Generally, this means the location where the straps join the frame
> should be 2-3 inches above the top of the shoulder.
Yea, right. Just try to carry that large of a pack, filled to the gills,
weighing it at 75+ lbs with the shoulder straps going back at a 45 degree
angle! You would have to have the damn waste belt pulled into what the old
Aussie convicts used to call a "gut pinch". The waste belt would be so tight
that it would cut off circulation to your hips and legs and you'd fall down
like a pigmy overloaded with an elephant just twenty yards down the trail.
With that much weight you HAVE to balance the load of the weight between the
shoulders and waste or else one or the other wears out. It typically is
shifted back and forth to lessen the deadening of nerves in either place.
What the hell is a "non-yoke shoulder system"? I'll take mine sunny side up
with the yoke please, but throw away the white!
Oh, any any salty '77er worth his damn wouldn't turn states evidence on a
comrad for all of the polarguard in China!
"Salvitur Ambulando"
(walking solves all things)
St. Augustine
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