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[pct-l] Ticked off the PCT
- Subject: [pct-l] Ticked off the PCT
- From: batdorff@coosnet.com (James Batdorff)
- Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 17:15:41 -0700
Just got back from a short hike from Walker Pass north to Cranebrake =
Road. Four miles beyond Joshua Tree Spring where brush encrouches the =
trail the tick are numerous. I picked about 300 off my clothes within an =
hour. Needless to say three did get me where I couldn't see them. =
Apparently broke them off. Headed out to seek medical help from there. =
Weather was great but I'm 'ticked off' I didn't make it to Kennedy =
Meadows. =20
Can anyone tell me if there is good road access from Hwy 14 west to =
where the PCT crosses the Cranebrake Road (sec. G)?
Jim Batdorff
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