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[pct-l] Ticked off the PCT
- Subject: [pct-l] Ticked off the PCT
- From: kgreen@photon.com (Keith Green)
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:56:42 -0700
James Batdorff's original posting with this subject in the header (received
this last Monday) got me researching ticks and I ended up forwarding his
message to an Entomology Professor at UC Davis (who has done extensive
research on ticks) to see what he thought. Below is part of his reply.
Probably nothing that most of the people on this list didn't already know
but I for one found it reassuring to hear from somebody who knows what they
are talking about . . . essentially that it is unnecessary to worry about
ticks in California.
I think this person is likely exaggerating a little. It is possible to
go through a tick patch occasionally however. At that time of year the
genus would be Dermacentor probably Occidentalis and not a real threat when
it comes to pathogen transmission. Under no circumstances would I ever let
ticks prevent me from hiking anywhere in California. Not so for other
places. Just be vigilant.
Not sure why this guy needed medical help. It is usually the case that
a tick must be attached to you for about 36 to 48 hours before most
pathogens can be transmitted, some for some what shorter periods . . . 30
or so. The shorter the period of attachment the less likely transmission is
to occur. Less than 12 -24 hours transmission of anything is rare. So just
pull them all off as you see them and at the end of the day.
Leaving the mouth parts behind is not much different than having a
splinter- which I am sure you know that your skin knows how to handle.
Message: 7
From: "James Batdorff" <batdorff@coosnet.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 17:15:41 -0700
Subject: [pct-l] Ticked off the PCT
Just got back from a short hike from Walker Pass north to Cranebrake =
Road. Four miles beyond Joshua Tree Spring where brush encrouches the =
trail the tick are numerous. I picked about 300 off my clothes within an =
hour. Needless to say three did get me where I couldn't see them. =
Apparently broke them off. Headed out to seek medical help from there. =
Weather was great but I'm 'ticked off' I didn't make it to Kennedy =
Meadows. =20
Can anyone tell me if there is good road access from Hwy 14 west to =
where the PCT crosses the Cranebrake Road (sec. G)?
Jim Batdorff