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[pct-l] need some help
- Subject: [pct-l] need some help
- From: jomike@snowcrest.net (JoAnn M Michael)
- Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 12:24:58 -0800
I am trying to reduce my pack weight as much as possible for my up =
coming four night trip from Lake Morena (yes, I will be at the ADZ) to =
about the upper Chariot Canyon Rd. off of Hwy.78=20
(1) Can tuna packed in water be removed from the can and last a few days =
in my pack (in that area where is will be warm...hot?)? (2) Misquotes =
eat me alive, but, with the dry desert air, will I need insect =
repellent? (3) I know it's been a drought year in southern CA, =
regardless, does the end of April usually bring a large chance of rain?
Any/all feedback greatly welcomed. I am a moderately experienced hiker =
and will be w/some other gals from Washington. They are slowing their =
pace to accommodate my 10 mile +/- miles/day (thank heavens). "Hike =
your own hike."
"Use what talents you have: the woods would have little music if no =
birds sang their song except those who sang best."
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