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[pct-l] Re: Southern Section and Immigrant Worries
- Subject: [pct-l] Re: Southern Section and Immigrant Worries
- From: jmertes@gte.net (John Mertes)
- Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 17:01:13 -0700
- References: <11F19BCA2876D31192A100105A740E8F34DE34@mail3.ilan.com><a05010402b6e68f91970d@[]> <3AC13DB1.3055BD81@gte.net> <a05010438b6f257a56346@[]>
> "illegals" are not "invading" the US. Talk about comparing apples and
> oranges. Or do you think the Pilgrim Fathers also invaded the US?
> People are in search of a better life. The fact that they don't have
> one at home has much to do with the way Western governments have
> conducted their foreign policy, their economic policy and their
> defence policy. Comparing the nazi army with the "illegals" trying to
> enter the US is the worst kind of comparing apples and oranges.
> Please, the nazis did not come to the Netherlands to find a better
> life for them and their children. Or maybe you feel that killing off
> Jews and crossing a border are on a par?
Well Saskia, I don't know what else you could call it than "invading".
And yes, the Pilgrims invaded North America; similarly Europeans invaded
South and Central America. The world today would be far different if the
"native Americans" had had and enforced their immigration laws. I recall
from a TV show that in earlier times, "native Americans" together with a
harsh climate forced out would be settlers (invaders) from Greenland or
You may blame Western governments for the economic situation in the
homelands of the "illegals". Open your eyes and your mind. These people
and cultures are responsible for their fates; they have made choices
which put them where they are. The explanations are too long and off
subject for this list. Briefly though consider their large families,
devotion to religion, and lack of interest in education and self
The Nazis were out to create a better life for themselves -- their
vision of the Third Reich and a world populated by their race. Of course
their "better life" was hell for others. And it was largely the Western
governments and countries you castigate that stopped the Nazis.
The United States and especially California is already full. If you want
to help; then solve the problems in the homelands.