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[pct-l] Seeking Advice on PCT footwear and other stuff
Ron - I'm not advocating anything, just commenting on what I saw - most
people in sneakers had hamburger feet. If you want to believe foot comfort is
just the luck of the draw, fine. I don't believe that it is and that
planning, conditioning and experience do count for something. Mr. Jardine
apparently believes so too from what I've read. If you had resolved your
blister problem by selecting the correct (for you) footwear BEFORE you
started, much of your suffering could have been avoided. This has to be true
because you eventually DID resolve the blister problem. Seems to me people
should learn from others mistakes, not repeat them. At least that's the way I
see it. And doing a 100 - 150 mile section of a long distance hike is an
EXCELLENT way to test gear, pace, diet, foot comfort etc. It's true that the
only way to get in shape for climbing a mountain is to climb a mountain, but
does that mean it's okay to take on Everest before climbing Rainier? Bet your
chances of failure are much higher if you do!