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[pct-l] Shoes
>>but somehow I can't help thinking there might be =
something better, more comfy,
maybe a little lighter [than the Merrel Red
Desert]?.....................(sierra nevada, JMT use)
As far as trail runners (not sneakers) are concerned, I've not encountered a
better fit, greater comfort and security, or longer-term durability than
from TNF's Sawtooth Ridge. I've used the Red Desert and would call it a dump
truck compared to my Sawtooth sportscar. This is the first shoe I've ever
worn that didn't have some feature I merely put up with, such as I did with
the Red Desert and its sloppy, heavy fit, or the Montrail Vitesse and its
elastic sock, or the M2 Peak Speed and its fast-wearing uppers, or the
Vasque Exodus and its oven-like, steel-shanked qualities, or.... subjective,
these assessments? Yes. Based on much personal experience? Yes again. Is it
a waste of time to recommend a specific shoe when, like the scruples of the
footwear industry, it always seems to die in the name of the bottom line?
- blisterfree