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[pct-l] Can you help me get in touch with Trail Angels?
<< I'm a 59 year old male Vermonter who'll be hiking about 1100 miles on the
PCT this spring/summer, beginning at the Mexican border May 10th and ending
at old Highway 40 by Donner Pass (near Truckee and the north end of Lake
I'd like to get a sense of where to look for trail angels, who they are, and
(if possible) to get in touch with several in the next month or two prior to
my leaving Vermont. >>
Rick -- Good luck on your hike! I did essentially the same hike in '97,
(Campo to I-80, Donner Pass), at age 59. I suggest you do your research on
lightweight backpacking. I don't know your experience level but, believe me,
lighter is better and a whole lot more fun!
Regarding Trail Angels, it's been my feeling that you don't find them -- they
just show up when needed. Sure, there are many people on this list and along
the trail who help improve the hiking experience. The water stashers, the
Jack Fairs .... If you need specific help, for example, getting from San
Diego out to Campo, ask on this list and I'm pretty sure you'll get a
volunteer. But Trail Angels are not an organization, they are your fellow
hikers, the townspeople, the wonderful person who just offers help when you
suddenly find yourself in need. They are kind of mystical. Actually meeting
one is one of the most rewarding things you can experience hiking this trail.