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Re: [pct-l] Portions of the PCT
- Subject: Re: [pct-l] Portions of the PCT
- From: ROYROBIN@aol.com
- Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 15:36:42 EST
JoAnn writes:
<< I know I am totally crazy.... The Sierra are incredible but .... that
does NOT mean it should get more than its fair share of attention and
conversations about the PCT. >>
Yeah, JoAnn, you're sure taking your life in your hands, all right! The
Sierra Nevada is heavily populated with admirers from Los Angeles and the Bay
Area as well as visitors from all over the world. Most of these people never
venture more than a couple miles from the trailheads, but they collectively
have a a loud voice. Most of my hiking and camping experience has been in
the Sierra and, like others, I tend to compare other places to "my house."
Last year I met four bears in northern California but none caused any trouble
like the Yosemite Yogi I ran into near Glen Aulen two years ago. The Sierra
bears are talked about not because of their numbers but because of their
training by visitors who think they're some kind of Disney attraction.
My only confrontation with a really asinine packer was in northern
Washington. Most equestrians and even most packers seem to go out of their
way to accommodate other trail users.
I had never heard of the Russian Wilderness in northern California till last
summer, and it reminded me of a bit of the Sierra. Beautiful and completely
If there is one thing that describes the PCT, it is diversity. Contrast
makes this trail unique. What are your "best choices" along the PCT? Here
are mine:
Most Awesome Section: The JMT.
Most Spectacular Place: Crater Lake.
Most Under-Appreciated: Northern Washington Cascades.
Most Unusual Section: Anza-Borrego Desert.
Best Town Stop: Big Bear City.
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