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Re: [pct-l] Trekking Poles vs. Pack Weight
In a message dated 1/11/00 7:44:48 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
jjolson@uwyo.edu writes:
<< My attempt at humor was ill advised. I apologize. >>
Ok by me, I'm apologizing all the time, for saying the right thing at the
wrong time, trying to be funny!
This years snowpack on the PCT, for all intensive purposes was considered
"light" and was a huge factor in traversing it. It was still very hairy at
times, but personally I felt safer staying on my feet using my poles them I
would have by using an ice ax to traverse even though using an ice ax is
normally considered the best policy.
Maybe next time, I may stow my poles and use my ax, but I won't know til I
get there.
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