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Re: [pct-l] Feet size enlarging

GentlyTred@aol.com wrote:
> Someone mentioned their feet swelling in the earlier desert sections of the
> PCT.  And from what I've read it sounds like this is a permenant  (at least
> for the whole PCT) enlargement of one's feet due to muscles etc.  -.   Is this
> true?  And, my main question:  Do people's feet remain at a larger size after
> the long distance hiking?  And for how long? If there's a reduction in hiking,
> do the feet decrease in size?
> I'm normally a size 8.   I'm now wearing size 9 with thick socks for hiking.
> Should I be prepared with boots size 10?  or 9.5?  Dilemmas, dilemmas....
> I was just realizing this week that the shoes I wear to work are feeling a bit
> small these days, and was wondering if I'm going to be needing to buy a whole
> new set of shoes for work when I return from the PCT.  Hmmm
> Deb

Unfortunately, you probably will. I made the mistake of buying some
dress shoes a month or so before I did my first thruhike. My feet never
did go back to the old size, so I had to throw them out, never worn. Of
course, I never did stop hiking either. It's my life now - every chance
I get. I think it's like what happens when you get pregnant - the
increased weight and up and down edema make your feet widen - and
usually it's permanent. I don't know whether someone who had had several
kids and had already had their feet widen and flatten would have less
problems or not.  I know that on my second thruhike, my feet didn't
change sizes - they were already as wide and flat as they could get.

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