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Re: [pct-l] About them Bear Cans
> Out of common practice though, I normally hang my food at least
> 5 feet from the trunk, and at least 15 feet in the air. If the cubs can
> figure out how to get my treats still, they earned it.
Plan on not eating if you do this in Yosemite. The rangers have photos of cubs
climbing trees and riding counterbalanced food down like an elevator. They
have other photos of bears collaborating to bulldoze a bear pole in order to
get the food on top. The ranger said they were successful, but didn't have any
pictures of their success. I also saw five cars that had been broken into by
bears after the fact and one was eating peanut butter in the front seat of a
toyata truck when we arrived in Yosemite. Don't underestimate the intelligence
and persistence of those ursine brains.
> I have also seen the technique of suspending the food bag between 2 trees,
> but have not tried it as of yet. I'll stick with those bear boxes where I
> can.
This works great, but you have to carry a lot of rope.
Dude in TX
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