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[pct-l] Re: '77 PCT'ers

Dear Monte,

Pardon my fuzzy memory but I must have met you at least in Weldon as I
remember Dick Kelty bringing the new pack to one of the Bay City Bombers.
Of course there were about thirty of us in Weldon at that time.  As I
recall (but damn it has been a long time, I guess I should consult my
journal for accuracy) I hiked out of Weldon with the Unfortunates and a few
others.  I came into Weldon with the Chairman and a few others.  

I separated from the Unfortunates in the southern Sierras and was able to
re-hook up with them around Mammoth.  I hiked with them to Yosemite then
hiked to Sth Lake Tahoe with my brother, then on to Sierra City with
another brother.  I hiked with Nancy to Burney Falls where I met up with
Paul Hacker and the Unfortunates again.  Paul and I partnered all the way
to the Canadian border together and have been close friends ever since.  I
just went hiking with Paul, his wife Trish and their four kids and two of
my kids around Kennedy Meadows over Labor Day weekend.

Can you give me some background like this so that I can place you? Who did
you hike with at various times?  

It is fun to reminisce, but funner to get out and live it again!  How about
doing it again in 2009?  My youngest son is interested and will be 18 then!

Best regards,

Greg "Strider" Hummel
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
