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[pct-l] helping the trail
Hey all,
So as one of the folks who helped keep that 'god
thread' active for several days, I know I'm guilty of
indulging in not particularly on-topic discussions. I
think Chai Guy is just dealing with the same
frustration many deal with when they have too much to
do. Opening your email to find 50 some odd posts and
only 10 that are what you would consider 'worthwhile'
is annoying. People on the list should have a
reasonable expectation of the posts being somewhat PCT
related. Period. Now I don't mind some of the 'off
topic' threads that come along. some I enjoy. I
myself just use the delete button for posts I'm not
interested in. I know Chai Guy is working on a list
of hotsprings along the PCT and he has been active and
helpful on this list as well as the yahoo 2006 group,
so saying he is just a 'user' and not a helper is a
bit severe. So don't get too mad at him for being
frustrated with the mountains of messages.
Warning this message will self delete in ten seconds..
nine, eight , seven......
--- Carl & Judy Rush <elisenme2@gmail.com> wrote:
> What Chai Guy doesn't realise is that we are a
> hiking community, I am more
> interested in the posts concerning what my fellow
> hikers are doing during
> the off season, I loved Mags photos. He seems to
> think that if it isn't
> important to him it shouldn't be posted. It also
> seems like he doesn't want
> to do anything to help the trail , just use it. Like
> buying a car , but not
> making the payments. Living in PA, we spend a great
> deal of our free time
> and money trying to save the AT in PA from
> developers, see
> www.bluemtpreservation.org
> Carl & Judy Rush
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